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Assignment Cover Sheet

Badanami Centre for Indigenous Education

Student Name Joanna Webb
Student Number 17082349
Unit Name and Number

Tutorial Group Inclusive Education Practices
Tutorial Day and Time

Dr Keith Bradshaw
Title of Assignment

Activity 3 Modify

3 pages
Due Date 5
April 2013
Date Submitted
April 2013
Campus Enrolment Bankstown
I hold a copy of this assignment that I can produce if the original is lost or damaged.
I hereby certify that no part of this assignment/product has been copied from any other students work
or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the assignment. No part of
this assignment/product has been written/produced for me by another person except where such
collaboration has been authorised by the subject lecturer/tutor concerned.

Signature:Joanna Webb.

Note: An examiner or lecturer/tutor has the right not to mark this assignment if the above declaration
has not been signed)

Activity 3 Modify

I chose this lesson to teach children with Autism the idea behind grouping things together.
For the lesson plan I have written the modifications in red.

Name: Mrs Webb Lesson Title: Grouping

Year: 1 Venue: classroom, local shops.

Learning Experience 1,


The purpose of this lesson is to further develop the students understanding of grouping. Through a hands on problem solving
approach, the students will learn how to group objects, by participating in an activity which will give them a greater sense of

Outcomes and Indicators

NES1.1- Groups, shares and counts collection of objects, describes using everyday language and records using informal methods.

Model equal groups or rows.
Groups and shares a collection of objects equally
Record grouping and sharing in a row.

PAES1.1- Recognises, describes, creates and continues repeating patterns

Continue simple number patterns that increase or decrease.
Use the term is the same as to describe equality in groups


Early stage one arithmetical strategies.

Very hungry caterpillar fruit pictures
Paddle pop sticks
Caterpillar handout

Teaching / Learning Strategies

Go over caterpillar book details asking if any one remembers the amount of fruit eaten on particular days.


Discuss with the children that we will be learning about grouping things together.
Each student is given a picture of fruit on paddle pop stick.
Students learn to group and share using concrete materials this visual helps children with special needs understand the
concept of grouping better
Students learn to model equal groups
Students learn how to recognise unequal groups
Students learn how to describe grouping using everyday language, actions, materials and drawing.


I will first ask the children if they remember what the caterpillar ate on certain day and ask them if that is an even number or
odd number or the same .
I will demonstrate the concept of grouping with the students by asking them to find the matching fruit piece to them and
staying in that group this should take about 10 mins.
I will then have each group stand at the front and ask the children if the group is odd or even.
The children will then go back to their desk and complete the caterpillar worksheet which they need to do by drawing the
amount of circles that correspond to the number beside the caterpillars head

Ask students who had the biggest group
Were all groups equal
On caterpillar handout which number of circles is the biggest group
Which number is the smallest group from handout.

Lesson Evaluation

Was there enough time for students to participate?
Was there a smooth transition from introduction to body
Through movement of concrete materials?
Were there adequate resources?
Were special / additional needs catered for?
Did all students have the opportunity to engage in
Discussion and reflection?
Were the teaching strategies appropriate for the anticipated
Outcomes of the lesson?
Were effective behaviour management strategies
Did the structure of the lesson need modifying?
Were students effectively engaged in the task?


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