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Tasks & Techniques | Midterm Assignment

SMELTeach Tasks & Techniques Midterm Assignment (Lesson Planning) RUBRIC

Needs Work Acceptable Exceeds Expectations
Age/level & Target Language The target language is either too easy,
or too difficult for the age and level of
the learners
The target language selected for the
lesson is mostly OK for the age and
level of the students but may be
problematic for some learners (too
easy/too difficult)
The target language selected for this
lesson is appropriate for the age and
the proficiency level of the students.
Lesson Sequence The incorrect lesson sequence is
chosen (e.g. trying to develop
receptive skills [listening/reading]
using a PPP lesson sequence)
The appropriate lesson sequence is
selected, but there are one or two
errors in ordering of tasks etc.
The lesson uses an appropriate lesson
sequence for the development of
receptive skills or productive skills.
Task choice/selection Tasks are inappropriate for this kind of
lesson and/or the age and level of the
Tasks chosen for the lesson are
appropriate with one exception
The tasks chosen for each stage of
the lesson are appropriate and show
attention to accuracy and fluency of
language use among learners.
Task Descriptions Descriptions lack important
information or Descriptions are long
and overly complicated
Descriptions are mostly OK but would
benefit from being rewritten for
Task descriptions are clear, concise
and give a good feel to what might
happen in an actual classroom.
Overall consistency The plan is inconsistent and tasks are
a random collection of unrelated
The plan is mostly consistent with one
The plan is overall consistent and
there is an internal logic to the way it
is set out.
English language Use The lesson plan contains language that
is difficult to understand or contains
errors to the point where it is difficult
to ascertain the writers intent
The lesson plan contains some
grammatical or other errors, but can
be understood by the reader with a
little guesswork
The lesson plan contains few, if any
errors, and none that distract the
reader from understanding.

Sookmyung Womens University SMELTeach

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