2014-2015 Syllabus

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2014-2015 Syllabus

Miss Trayvick
Holy Family School
(256 ) 539-5221
I am looking forward to a brand new school year with new students! My goal is to empower my students
mathematically by coaching them to be critical thinkers as well as scholars understanding new concepts.
Course Description:
Math class will be more hands-on this year than it has been in the past. Students will complete tasks/activities,
proects and formative assessments to show understanding of the material. !ommunication, verbal feedback,
written feedback, discussion, and "uestioning will be very important in this class.
Assignments may include, but are not limited to:
#roup work
Individual activities
%omework problems
$ractice papers/worksheets
&arm ups
Class Participation:
Students' ideas and thought processes are important to the success in math class this year. &e will constantly
reflect on previous lessons as well as current ones.
(s a student, you should)
*e an active participant in class discussions.
+uestion whenever necessary.
,o your best and keep organized
%omework will be issued in a variety of forms after and sometimes before material is taught. Students are re"uired
to complete their homework/classwork assignments in the one-subect notebook designated for
homework/classwork. %omework will be given every day including -ridays .not all -ridays/.
%omework/!lasswork must be done in $%&'(). (nything that is submitted in pen will not be graded. 0o check
for test dates, homework assignments, and general announcements visit the parent's page of renweb.com
+ui11es will be given midway through each chapter. Students will have allotted time to study for the "ui1 prior to
the "ui1 date. +ui11es determine the readiness of the students going forward towards the chapter test. +ui11es will
sometimes be on basic skills that students must know to succeed in any mathematics class. 0his could include, but
is not limited to) perfect s"uares, perfect s"uare roots, notebook .organi1ational skills/, divisibility tests, and so on.
0ests are given in the same fashion as "ui11es, but they consist of the content taught in the entire chapter. I have
2345 tolerance for cheating. If your child is caught cheating they will receive a 2345 on that "ui1/test.
rading Policy:
rades will be based on actual per!ormance and knowledge o! content as e"idenced by:
10* - $articipation
25*- %omework/!lasswork
25*- +ui11es
40*- 0ests
&++,+, 6 5ne subect notebook .%&/!&/
6 5ne subect notebook .notes/ 4uled notebook paper
6 7pong folder w/ pockets #raph paper
$encils8 $en .red for self-grading/
-ish )is
0issue 4eam of copy paper
%and saniti1er ,ry erase markers
,isinfecting wipes
8(ny material that is turned in for a grade M.ST be in pencil. (nything submitted in pen will not be graded.
Please sign below that you and your child have read and discussed the Math Syllabus for this year. This will be
checked off and returned to the student.
9999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999
#tudent #ignature Parent #ignature Date

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