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Hazards in the KITCHEN
Task 1: - How many dangers can you see in the picture below? Neatly mark in RED any danger spot you find (there are at least 14)! The first
hazard has been marked as an example.

Task 2: - Using the hazards identified in task 1 complete the table below. The first hazard has been given as an example.

Hazard Consequence
1 Kettle with trailing cord A child could pull on the cord and drag the kettle of hot water down on themselves.
2 Iron left unattended If on could burn person attending to it
3 Bread knife A child could cut themselves while handling the knife
4 Matches A child could be burnt if playing with fire when it is lit
5 Cat The cat could trip you over while handling hot food
6 Pots Boiling pots left unattended could lead to burning the food or getting it on fire
7 Water leakage You could slip and fall while handling hot food
8 Door Cupboard Open You could trip while handling hot food
9 Bee You could get distracted or injured by the bee
10 Cluttered dining table
You could have no room on the table to place your food when you have finished preparing or if the food is too
hot to handle for a long period of time
11 Apple juice on the table You could knock it over while placing food on the table creating a spillage and more mess to clean
12 Cake in oven Cake is left unattended resulting in the cake burning or catching alight.
13 Pot plant on window sill If the wind is too strong, the pot plant could be knocked over and cause a mess on the bench top
14 Butter knife You could get cut if playing with the knife and the butter could melt causing spillage

Task 3: - Using the Rules for the Food Technology Room below, create a poster, using
Microsoft Word, that can be used in the classroom to remind people of how to be safe
whilst cooking.

Rules for the Food Technology Room
Rules are designed to make-work easy and safe for both you and those
around you

The basic rules for practical lessons are
1. Bags and books MUST be left outside the room.
2. Put on your hairnet and apron before entering the room.
3. Wash your hands.
4. Work quietly and safely.
5. Clean up your work area when finished.
6. Put all rubbish in the bin.
7. Wash and dry all utensils thoroughly.
8. Wash down the tables and sink.
9. Dry the tables and sink using the paper towels.
10. Wipe over the tables and sink with sanitizer.
11. Bins must be emptied at the end of each lesson.
12. All equipment used MUST be THOROUGHLY washed, dried and returned to their correct
13. Ovens, stoves, microwaves and bays MUST be cleaned at the end of each practical lesson
and switched OFF.
14. NO licking of food or utensils.
15. Sinks are to be left CLEAN and DRY at the end of the lesson.
16. Equipment must be used for its intended purpose e.g.
Measuring cups - measuring food.
Knife - cutting.
Tongs - handling food.

17. DO NOT wash flour sifters.
18. ALWAYS wear your hairnet when in the practical room.
19. NEVER eat or drink in the practical room.
20. Listen to the instructions before starting to work

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