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Communicative Approach

109614001 Jane
109614003 Fanny
109614011 Janice
109614025 Rita
109617039 Shenicy
Theory part
Creator- Robert Langs
He is an American psychiatrist, t, analytically trained in a classical Fredian
psychoanalytic institte in !e" #or$ City, "ho is $no"n today as an important
psychoanalytic re%oltionary and re%isionist& 'r& Langs is a gradate o( )he Chicago
*edical +chool& 'r& Langs presently practices, teaches, and "rites abot
commnicati%e psychotherapy& His most recent de%otion is to creating dramas-one
and t"o act plays-that are e((ecti%e art (orms, "hile con%eying throgh narrati%e tales
the insights o( the CA into the natre o( emotional li(e&

Actally in so (ar as one teaching methodology tends to in(lence the ne,t& )he
commnicati%e approach cold be said to be the prodct o( edcators "ho had gro"n
dissatis(ied "ith the adio-lingal and grammar-translation methods o( (oreign
langage instrction& )hey (elt that stdents "ere not learning enogh realistic, "hole
langage& )hey did not $no" ho" to commnicate sing appropriate social langage,
gestres, or e,pressions- in brie(, they "ere at a loss to commnicate in the cltre o(
the langage stdied& .nterest in and de%elopment o( commnicati%e-style teaching
mshroomed in the 19/0s- athentic langage se and classroom e,changes "here
stdents engaged in real commnication "ith one another became 0ite poplar&
1 Focses on langage as a medim o( commnication& Recogni1es that all
commnication has a social prpose - learner has something to say or (ind ot&
2 )he teacher sets p a sitation that stdents are li$ely to enconter in real li(e&
3nli$e the adio-lingal method o( langage teaching, "hich relies on repetition
and drills, the commnicati%e approach can lea%e stdents in sspense as to the
otcome o( a class e,ercise, "hich "ill %ary according to their reactions and
responses& )he real-li(e simlations change (rom day to day& +tdents4
moti%ation to learn comes (rom their desire to commnicate in meaning(l "ays
abot meaning(l topics&
5 Commnicati%e approach places great emphasis on helping stdents se the
target langage in a %ariety o( conte,ts and places great emphasis on learning
langage (nctions& 3nli$e the AL*, its primary (ocs is on helping learners
create meaning rather than helping them de%elop per(ectly grammatical
strctres or ac0ire nati%e-li$e pronnciation& )his means that sccess(lly
learning a (oreign langage is assessed in terms o( ho" "ell learners ha%e
de%eloped their commnicati%e competence
4 *ore emphasis on acti%e modes o( learning, inclding pair "or$ and grop-
6 7mphasis on oral and listening s$ills in the classroom& !ot 8st hearing teacher,
bt ha%ing personal contact themsel%es "ith langage, practicing sonds
themsel%es, per mtating sentence patterns and getting chance to ma$e mista$es
and learn (rom doing so& 9t it is not 8st limited to oral s$ills& Reading and
"riting s$ills need to be de%eloped to promote ppils4 con(idence in all (or s$ill
areas& 9y sing elements encontered in %ariety o( "ays sch as smmari1ing,
translating, discssion - ma$es langage more (lid and ppils4 maniplation o(
langage more (lent&
6 *a$es se o( topical items "ith "hich ppils are already (amiliar in their o"n
langage - moti%ates ppils aroses their interest and leads to more acti%e
participation& 9esides, teacher shold A%oid age-old te,ts, materials mst relate
to ppils4 o"n li%es, be (resh and real, and e%en slang& .t is important to
Changing te,ts and materials reglarly&
/ Commnicati%e approach see$s to se athentic resorces& *ore interesting and
moti%ating& .n Foreign langage classroom, athentic te,ts ser%e as partial
sbstitte (or commnity o( nati%e spea$er& !e"spaper and maga1ine articles,
poems, manals, recipes, telephone directories, %ideos, all can be e,ploited in
%ariety o( "ays&
: Commnicati%e approach is mch more ppil-orientated, becase dictated by
ppils4 needs and interests&
<!"#$%&'()*+,-./Role =lay012
Situation$ >ohn is shopping at the spermar$et, bt he can4t (ind anything, so he as$s
a cler$ (or help&
Cler$< Can . help yo sir?
>ohn< #es& @here is mil$, . am at completely lost&
Cler$< *il$? Ao do"n this aisle and trn le(t& .tBs in the dairy section&
>ohn< Ch . see& Ho" mch is the noodle?
Cler$< 60 and by t"o get one (ree&
>ohn< )han$s %ery mch&
Foo&$ 'ar&(are$

)ractice#ro*e p*ay
+itation 1
A< a hose"i(e "ho "ants to by a pac$age o( "ashing po"der bt yo canBt (ind
it in the spermar$et
9< a passionate cler$ in a sper mar$et, bt gi%e a "rong direction
+itation 2
C< a senior citi1ens "ho "ant to by a pac$ o( noodle, bt coldnBt recogni1ed the
price print on the pac$age
'< a cler$ "ho ha%e to ser%e e%ery cstomer "hen needed
1 aisle
2 bas$et
5 cart
4 chec$ot conter
6 conter
6 section
/ shel(
1 ba$ery
2 canned goods
5 cereal
4 dairy
6 (ro1en (oods
6 (rit
/ meat
: sea(ood
9 %egetables
+ntro&uction o, Teachin!
1- Teacher !ive" a pre"entation o, a "ituation or conte.t throu!h "evera* /rie,
)he dialoges are related to the learnersB e,periences and interest& )his incldes a
discssion o( the (nction and sitation< =eople, roles, setting, topic and the le%el o(
(ormality or in(ormality the (nction and sitation demand&
2- 0rain"tormin! an& &i"cu""ion e"ta/*i"h the voca/u*ary an& e.pre""ion"$
)he prpose is to accomplish the commnication& .ncldes a (rame"or$ or means o(
strctring a con%ersation or e,change to achie%e the prpose o( the spea$ers&
5& 1ue"tion" an& an"(er" are /a"e& on the &ia*o!ue topic an& "ituation$
+ch as "h- 0estions, yes;no, either;or and open-ended 0estions&
4- Stu&y o, the /a"ic communicative e.pre""ion" in the &ia*o!ue or one o, the
"tructure" that e.emp*i,ie" the ,unction2 u"in! picture"2 rea* o/3ect"2 or
&ramati4ation to c*ari,y the meanin!-
5- C*a""room "hou*& provi&e opportunitie" ,or rehear"a* o, rea*#*i,e "ituation"$
=ro%ide opportnity (or real commnication& 7mphasis on creati%e role-plays;
simlations; sr%eys; pro8ects; playlets - all prodce spontaneity and impro%isation -
not 8st repetition and drills&
6- )rimacy o, ora* (or%$
7mphasis on oral and listening s$ills in the classroom& Contact time "ith
langage is all-important - pa%es "ay (or more (lid command o( the langage ;
(acility and ease o( e,pression& !ot 8st hearing teacher, bt ha%ing personal contact
themsel%es "ith langage, practicing sonds themsel%es, permtating sentence
patterns and getting chance to ma$e mista$es and learn (rom doing so&
7- ra* reco!nition an& interpretative activitie" inc*u&in! ora* pro&uction
procee&in! ,rom !ui&e& to ,reer communication activitie"-
5- 'ome(or% an& e.ten"ion activitie" are re*evant to the *earner"6 creation o,
ne( &ia*o!ue" aroun& the "ame "ituation-
'ere are the main core princip*e" (hich ma%e it the mo"t "ucce"",u* *an!ua!e
*earnin! approach in u"e to&ay-
0a"ic )rincip*e" ,or Teacher"
A teacher4s main role is a (acilitator and monitor rather than leading the class&
.n other "ords, Dthe gide by the sideD and not Dthe sage on the stageD&
Lessons are sally topic or theme based, "ith the target grammar DhiddenD in
the conte,t e&g& a 8ob inter%ie" Esing the =resent =er(ect tense&F
Lessons are bilt rond sitations;(nctions practical and athentic in the real
"orld e&g& as$ing (or in(ormation, complaining, apologi1ing, 8ob inter%ie"s,
Acti%ities set by the teacher ha%e rele%ance and prpose to real li(e sitations -
stdents can see the direct bene(it o( learning
7mphasis on engaging learners in more se(l and athentic langage rather
than repetiti%e phrases or grammar patterns
7mphasis on commnication and meaning rather than accracy& 9eing
nderstood ta$es precedence o%er correct grammar& )he (ine tning o( grammar
comes later&
3se o( songs and games are encoraged and pro%ide a natral en%ironment to
promote langage and enhance correct pronnciation
Feedbac$ and correction is sally gi%en by the teacher a(ter tas$s ha%e been
completed, rather than at the point o( error, ths interrpting the (lo"
0a"ic )rincip*e" ,or 7earner"
Learners are encoraged to spea$ and commnicate (rom day one, rather than
8st bar$ing ot repetiti%e phrases
Learners practice the target langage a nmber o( times, slo"ly bilding on
Learners interact "ith each other in pairs or grops, to encorage a (lo" o(
langage and ma,imi1e the percentage o( tal$ing time, rather than 8st teacher to
stdent &
3nless the (ocs is on the accracy stage o( the lesson, learners are corrected
at the end o( an acti%ity so as not to interrpt their thoght process&
)o start the lesson "ith G)oday "e are going to learn abot the =resent =er(ect
+impleH, instead o( to start the lesson "ith G)oday "e are going to learn ho" to do a
8ob inter%ie" in 7nglishH& G=resent =er(ect +impleH "ill (righten stdents, bt
stdents "ill interest in practicing 7nglish (or a good 8ob inter%ie"
)he crriclms o( commnicati%e approach sally ha%e clear and speci(ic main
topics EsitationsF to clti%ate learnersB commnicati%e and social competence&
)eachers encorage stdents to e,press a lot& 7rrors are considered natral& )he
teacher "ill not correct e%ery sentence immediately& .t "onBt hrt the sel(-esteem o(
+tdents can ha%e incomplete $no"ledge bt still commnicate e((ecti%ely& For
e,ample, i( the stdent doesn4t $no" ho" to say Dchair,D they can describe it as Dthe
thing yo sit in&D .ncreasing tility rates can help memori1ation&
+itation and atmosphere are close to peopleBs real li(e& Real li(e sitations and
commnication are npredictable& A stdent may learn all the correct (orms o(
commnication bt may not $no" "hen to se them appropriately& Role-play and
simlation pro%ide opportnities to react to these sitations and to gi%e the stdents a
taste o( real li(e&
)he class "ill be harmonios throgh role-play games, inter%ie", and other
interaction acti%ities by the teacher&
.tBs hard to ma$e a (la"less e%alation o( commnicati%e approach, becase there are
a lot o( instable and change(l (actors, li$e cognition& DCommnicati%e ApproachD is
aimed at training stdents4 listening and spea$ing, so it relati%ely ignores the training
o( reading and "riting& )here(ore, it is hard to e%alate e%ery aspect o( 7nglish ability&
*imite& in"tructiona* hour"
Role-play games and simlations in%ol%e a lot o( con%ersations and discssions& )hs
it may not be %ery sitable (or a large class& )he teacher has to spend a lot o( time on
interactions o( stdents and he is not able to predict the process in the class&
*o"in! contro*
+ince the acti%ities re0ire the (ll participation o( the stdents and minimm
participation (rom the teacher, the teacher may (ear that he may lose control o( the
not "uita/*e ,or a** *eve*"
Lo" pro(iciency stdents "ho do not ha%e the necessary commnicati%e competence
to carry ot the acti%ity& Commnicati%e acti%ities "old be more sitable (or
intermediate and ad%anced learners&
Activitie" are &i,,icu*t to monitor
@ith so mch acti%ity both physical and %erbal going on, it is sometimes di((iclt (or
the teacher to monitor a stdent4s per(ormance& )here is the (ear among teachers that
the stdents are ha%ing too mch (n and that no learning is ta$ing place&
+ntroverte& "tu&ent"
+pea$ing "ill obstrct shy people (or commnication& .( the character o( stdents is
intro%erted, teaching de%elopment "ill be a togh problem&
Rebecca 9elchamberIII)he Ad%antages o( Commnicati%e Langage )eaching
Aill HartIII9,24,200/III7nglish )eaching< @hat is the Commnicati%e Approach?
3+ =eace Corps 3$raine @hiteboo$III+ection .. Commnicati%e
@A! #77 +A*III1990III'rama in )eaching 7nglish as a +econd Langage -A
Commnicati%e Approach
>ill Jerper *ora, 7d&'& +an 'iego +tate 3ni%ersity

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