Mission and Vision of Senior Scouts

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Vision mission
And senior scout code
To be a leading provider of progressive, outdoor-based, non-formal education,
committed to develop morally straight, disciplined, concerned and self-reliant citizens
in the best tradition of World Scouting.
1) To inculcate in our Scouts and Scouters love of God, country and fellowmen.
2) To prepare the youth for responsible leadership.
3) To contribute to nation-building according the ideals, principles and program
of Scouting.
The Senior Scout Code
As a Senior Scout:
I will live the Scout Oath and Law and the Senior Scout Motto and Slogan;
I will be familiar with the constitution of the Philippines, especially my rights
and obligations as a Filipino citizen.
I will share in the responsibilities of my home, school, church, neighborhood,
community, and country.
I will deal fairly and kindly with my fellowman in the spirit of the Scout Law.
I will work to preserve our Filipino heritage, aware that the privileges I enjoy
was won by hard work, sacrifice, clear thinking, and the faith of our
I will do everything in my power to pass on a better Philippines to the next

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