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Literature Circle:

Island of the Blue

Ms. Mirandas 4th Grade Class
Summarizers-Cal Poly (pg.1-7)
Chapter 1 is mainly about Karana and her
father meeting the russian. The russians are
asking if they can stay in the island while they
are hunting.
The russians said that it is not their island
but,the father said it was there island because
the sea touched the island of the blue dolphins.

Discussion Director-Stanford CH.1 1-7
What are the most important events in the chapter?

We think the most important events in the chapter
are when Chief Chowig and Captain Orlov argued
about who gets the most parts of the catch. We
chose this because they were having an argument
so it seemed exciting.
illustrators-Usc chapter 1-pg. 1-7
Summarizers-Cal Poly(pg.1-7)
Karana was on the mesa and she dropped a
rock and everyone looked up at her.

Illuminators SDSU CH.1 (pg1-7
What do you think will happen next and why?

I think the people that come are going to try to
get the tribe on the boat to get them away to
have the land to themselves. I think this
because the people that came wanted the land
as soon they came.
Connectors-UCR ch.1 1-7
Ch.1 reminds me when it was my
Illustrator-Cal Berkley
Q:Why did you choose this picture?
We choose this picture because it
reminded us when Karana was hiding
away from the Russians.
Q.How is it realated to the story?
The story mentoenconed Santa
UCLA word watchers ch.1 pg.1-7
The word we chose is mesa. We chose this word
because we did not understand mesa.Now we now
mesa [noun] is a cliff that looks like a table.
UCLA word watchers ch.1 pg.1-7
The word i chose is russian. I chose this word
because its a important part of the story when
russian wanted to fish on the land.
Discussion Director-Alex pg Ch.2
What were you thinking as you read?

I was thinking, why did the two tribes share the
food? I was also thinking, why couldnt they just
catch their own food instead sharing food. I
chose this question because I thought its fair if
you caught your own food.
Word Watcher German ch.2 (pg.8-13)
Cove (noun) an inlet

I chose cove because it was a new and
interesting word to me.I chose cove because
Ulape saw a shiny thing in the cove.
Connecter-Alexis CH.2 pg (8-13)
What connections can you make to your own
The connections I can make is at the beach my
brother and I were looking for shells and we
couldnt find any, so I went into the water and
found at least 2 dozen shells.
What do you think will happen next and why?

I think the Aleuts are going to tell the Captain
Orlov that Father doesnt want to share the fish.
Captain Orlov and the Aleuts might fight over
the fish.

Illuminator Ch.2 (pg.8-13)
Illuminator-Michael pg( 8-13)
What were you thinking as your read?
I wanted to know why did Captain Orlovs
people try to eat Karanas food when they can
hunt on their own.
-Alexis: There might not be enough food for
How did the Aleuts know they had fish?
Summarizer Ch. 2
Chapter 2 was about Ulape finding a bunch of
bass in a cove. She then Ulape got her village
to get the bass out of the cove to make super.
At the end of the chapter the Aleuts came and
asked for some of the fish, but Father refused
to spare some fish.
Discussion Director Ch.3 (pg.14-17)
What where you think as you read?

I was thinking why was the father working on
his spear instead of fighting for their share?
Spears and Indians
Word Watcher-UCR Ch.3 (14-17)
What new words did you find in this section?
The word I chose is shore. Shore (noun) the
land along the edge of a sea, lake, broad.
Illustrator-SDSU Ch.3 (14-17)
Katlyn (Aluet Ship) Ally(cove)
What are you trying to accomplish through this
Alex:I was trying to make the image on my
mind more vivid.
Katlyn:I was trying to make the reader know
what a Aleut Ship was.
Ally:I drew it because I was going to intrest the
Word Watcher-UCR Ch.3 (14-17)
What new words did you find in the section?
The word i chose is shore.I chose shore
because it is a Noun and its a land bordering
water such as a lake or the sea.
UCLA Summarizer ch.3 pg.14-17
What are the most important events in the
chapter you read?
The most important events were that the aluet
werent sharing their half of the otter.The
village was worried that the aluet will take all
the food,and their land.Everybody was asking
questions but the dad was getting ready for
What are the most important moments in this
chapter? The most important moments are
when the villagers were talking about what
would the Aleuts do next . Another important
moment was when Karana said, that they are
killing the playful sea otters . I chose these
sentences because they were important and
Illuminators-stanford Ch.3 (14-17)
Connector- Bearkly
I remember from the passage when they were
killing otters and his hunters were skinning
them for leather.Its kind of when my uncle skin
a bear.And when zidors grandmpa skind a
Connectors -Ch. 3 14-17 Usc
How does this chapter relate to your life?
This chapter connects to my life when my
brother takes my fish and eats it.
Word Watcher-SDSU Ch.5 pg.24-28
Alex:Shellfish-(noun)Any fish with hard armor
such as crabs,lobsters,clam,or oysters.

Katlyn:What words are used frequently. The
word i chose was abalones this word means a
shell sea mollusk animals shell is lined with
mother of pearl i chose those word because it
makes the reader understand.
Word Watcher-SDSU Ch.5 pg.24-28

Andrew:ablones(noun)a shell sea mollusk
animal whose shell is lined with mother-of-


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