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Education Report of Spain 1

Education Report of Spain

Hallie Gardner
Arizona State University
Education Report of Spain 2
According to the headline in an article off of! "Report Sho#s $lea% &ie# of
Spanish Education'. Spain(s current education syste is not proving to )e the )est education for the
people of Spain. Ho#ever! they are currently #or%ing to#ards a shift to )etter prepare their students for
the success in the future. *heir issue ho#ever! does not lie in the teachers a)ilities. +or is the
curriculu to )lae. ,n fact! "...the standard of teachers is generally good! the school curriculu
ipressively rigorous and all state teachers highly -ualified' .Snelling/. 0hat really is at fault is the
fact that secondary education! after 11 years of age! is copletely optional for students. Chart (Snelling)
School up until 11 years of age is copulsory. "At the age of 11 a child should attain a
2ertificate of 2opletion of Secondary Education .*itulo de Graduado en Educaci3n Secundaria/ if
they have successfully passed .apro)ado/ his exainations .exaen or control/. ,f they have not )een
successful then they #ill leave school #ith a 2ertificado de Escolarizaci3n 42ertificate of Schooling5'
.Snelling/. *hen students are a)le to decide #hether they pursue higher education! continue their
schooling and receive vocational training! or 6ust leave school. Even though education up to the age of
11 is copulsory! "Around 78 percent of children in Spain drop out of school )efore the age of 11'
Education Report of Spain 7
.Spain/. Even if they coplete school! 99: of students decide to enroll in general upper secondary
education and only ;9: of students enroll in upper secondary vocational education .Education/. Figure
2 (Education).
$ecause ore students are choosing ore education over 6o) training it has caused high rates of
uneployent #ithin the country. Even though the students see to have a higher proficiency level
than average! they still are perforing )elo# average #hen copared to their peers in other countries
.Education/. Unfortunately! even though any ore pursue education instead of vocational training! ",t
is )ecoing less profita)le to have a university degree in Spain' .Report/. Figure 4 (Education).
Education Report in Spain ;
*here are also lots of cuts to education occurring in Spain. *hese cuts have spar%ed the "first
ever coordinated' stri%e )y the five ain teachers( unions in Spain. "<n *uesday! Spanish teachers
#ent on stri%e in cities across the country )y the thousands! see%ing to defend the education sector
against a pac%age of spending cuts = >18 )illion! or ?12.@ )illion = approved last #ee% )y Aarliaent
as part of the governentBs plan to eet its ore stringent )udget targets' .Cinder/.
Education Report of Spain 9
0or% citedD
Education Aolicy <utloo%D Spain. .281;! April 1/. Retrieved <cto)er 19! 281;! fro!" #!$C% !UT$!!& S#A"'E".pd(
Cinder! R. .2812! Cay 22/. Education 2uts Cet 0ith Stri%e in Spain. Retrieved <cto)er 11! 281;!
fro http://www.n)ti**/2,-2/,./2//world/europe/education0and0health0care0cut+0*et0with0*l2'r3,
Report sho#s )lea% vie# of Spanish education. .288E! Septe)er 11/. Retrieved <cto)er 19! 281;!
Snelling! +. .2811! Cay 71/. Education syste in Spain. Retrieved <cto)er 19! 281;! fro*/e+/education/+chool/Education0+)+te*0in0Spain'-444/.ht*l

Spain has highest school dropFout rate in Europe. .2881! Septe)er 12/. Retrieved <cto)er 19! 281;!

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