Basic Skills Lesson 1

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Spring Arbor University School of Education

Lesson Plan Essential Elements

Title: Lesson A - Note Names
Subject: Concert Choir
Grade Level: (Beginner choir) 9
grade Time Allotted: ! mins" #ut could be done in less"
$aterials %e&uired: Whiteboard, whiteboard markers and erasers. t!dents need notebooks and "enci#s.
(entury S)ills: *nformation Literacy
+PAA Standards:
A$%.&.'.(.1) *se a s+stem to read "itch notation in ,ario!s tona#ities.
Objective(s): TLW be able to identify notes on treble and bass clef staves including two
ledger lines above and below each staf at a decent pace.
*nstructional Procedure: -hat information do students need to accomplish the objective.s/0 %he+ need to know
their a#"habet and need to know how to draw a treb#e and bass c#e- sta,es.
Essential Element
1 min. " Anticipatory Set: ./ood &orning0 %oda+ we are going to #earn how to identi-+ note names on treb#e
and bass c#e- sta,es.
'" State Purpose and 1bjective.s/ of Lesson: .Be-ore we get started with o!r m!sic, we are going to
get +o! ac2!ainted with the treb#e and bass c#e- sta,es.3
B. 1
C. 1
4. 1
5. 1
6.1 min.
2" Plan for *nstruction:
A. .%ake o!t +o!r notebooks and draw a treb#e and bass c#e- sta--.3
B. %e## the st!dents to -i## in the #etter names A-/ as +o! -i##ed them in on the treb#e c#e- sta--. %e##
them to note that the bottom #ine on the treb#e c#e- sta-- is an .53 and as +o! go !" the sta-- sa+ the
ne7t #etter o- the a#"habet. '- +o! go down the sta-- +o! sa+ the m!sica# a#"habet backwards. %o go
!" the a#"habet, +o! m!st a#ternate co!nting #ines and s"aces that are ne7t to each other. o i- the
bottom note is .53, .63 wo!#d be the ne7t s"ace !". %he ne7t #etter a-ter that is "#aced on a #ine,
./3, and so on.
C. 57"#ain the trick to remembering the treb#e c#e- sta--8s notes names9 5,er+ /ood Bo+ 4oes 6ine (5,
/, B, 4, 6) -or the #ines and the word 6AC5 -or the s"aces.
4. %e## the st!dents to -i## in the #etter names A-/ as +o! -i##ed them in on the bass c#e- sta--. (%e## them
to note that the bottom #ine on the bass c#e- sta-- is a ./3 and as +o! go !" the sta-- sa+ the ne7t
#etter o- the a#"habet. '- +o! go down the sta-- +o! sa+ the m!sica# a#"habet backwards. %o go !"
the a#"habet, +o! m!st a#ternate co!nting #ines and s"aces that are ne7t to each other. o i- the
bottom note is ./3, .A3 wo!#d be the ne7t s"ace !". %he ne7t #etter a-ter that is "#aced on a #ine,
.B3, and so on.)
5. 57"#ain the trick to remembering the bass c#e- sta--8s note names9 /reat Big 4ogs 6ight Anima#s
(/, B, 4, 6, A) -or the #ines and .A## Cows 5at /rass3 (A, C, 5, /) -or the s"aces.
6. :nce the st!dents ha,e a## that written in, e7"#ain what a #edger #ine is.
/. 'denti-+ #edger #ines. ;a,e them notice that the #edger #ines abo,e and be#ow the treb#e c#e- sta-- are
:5 6ac!#t+, 2<2=<1)
;. 2
'. 2
the same on#+ backwards. (%he to" two #edger #ines o- the treb#e c#e- go -rom A to C, whi#e the
bottom two #edger #ines go -rom C to A.) %hen "oint o!t the bass c#e-8s bottom two #edger #ines as 5
and C on the ,er+ bottom.
;. Informal Formative Assessment9 (to "re"are -or Note 'denti-ication 6orma# !mmati,e
Assessment) Practice some note identification with them on the board for 2 minutes. Use cold
calling to make sure each student is trying to figure out the answer.
'. ;and o!t worksheets to te## them how to get on#ine to "ractice that test on m! %e##
them abo!t it being a test grade.
3" 4ifferentiation (onsiderations .accommodations/: Be "re"ared to ha,e to re"eat +o!rse#-. /i,e
them c#!es d!ring note identi-ication i- tro!b#e.
(. 2 min 5" Assessment: %he Assessments were an in-orma#-ha,ing them do it in c#ass and a -orma# homework
=. 1)
6" (losure:. $emind them abo!t the homework assignment d!e ne7t c#ass.
:5 6ac!#t+, 2<2=<1)

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