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Date: 21/10/2011
LESSON: Daily Routines
TPE O! LESSON: teaching new language and developing speaking skills
Ai"s: #y t$e en% o& t$e lesson stu%ents 'ill (e a(le to:
- revise telling the time, the days of the week.
- talk about the main daily activities;
- ask questions related to daily habits, activities using present tense simple, (What time do you...? When
do you?)
- answer questions related to daily habits;
- learn new vocabulary associated to daily activities such as: get up, go home, have
breakfast/lunch/dinner, go to work, go to school, go to bed, watch !, do (my"homework;
- make the difference between # go/ $e goes, # do/ $e does, # watch/ $e watches, # get up/$e gets up,
*flashcards, puppets, worksheets, whiteboard, video pro%ector;
&ommunicative approach;
'(ercise, questions and answers; conversation; dialogues; dramati)ed situations and role-play, fill-in,
repeating the same structures;
#ndividual work, pair work
# assume that students have already learnt to tell the time and they also know the days of the week and the moments of
the day, as well as the personal pronouns and the present tense simple of the verb to have.
-ome of them may have as well difficulties in remembering the information above. his is the reason why the first part
of the lesson will be dedicated to the revision of the main information needed for the acquisition of the new language
structures related to daily routines.
A/ti0ity 1: Wa1"*u23 S2ea4in5
to review the previously learnt material
to draw students, attention on the new lesson
to prepare the conte(t of the lesson

P1o/e%u1e Inte1a/tion Ti"in5
eacher greets -tudents and asks about their state of mind and how they feel.
eacher asks the students what time is it, pretending to have forgotten her/his watch at home.
eacher pretends to have lost track of the days and asks students: what day is today.
/hat day is it. 0nd yesterday. /hat about tomorrow. hen the teacher may ask :
/ho tells me the other days of the week. 0s s/he gets the answers, s/he writes them on the
eacher brings into discussion their 1old friend2 om, which is a puppet. -/he asks students
to greet om (how are you today.-fine, thank you, and you."
--s --s
A/ti0ity 2: S2ea4in5
Ai": int1o%u/e ne' st1u/tu1es3 ne' 0o/a(ula1y
P1o/e%u1e Inte1a/tion Ti"in5

hen s/he announces students that om wants to tell them about his daily activities(
if they agree, of course" in relation to the e(pression of time, days of
the week, moments of the day, which have already been acquired. hen, teacher pretends to
be om,s assistant and s/he shows flashcards corresponding to different actions
( getting up, watching !, going to school" and
at the same time s/he shows flashcards representing the clock, increasing students, curiosity.
eacher sticks them on the board one ne(t to the other irrespective of the relation among them.
#n order to help students find out om,s story, teacher writes down the model of the question
they have to ask him :
e.g.: om, what do you do at ...... eight o,clock/nine o,clock, every day/
e.g.: # get up at seven o,clock every day. # go to school at eight o,clock. etc.
here are short sentences that teacher writes on the board. ( 4-* sentences"
hen, teacher introduces a new structure: when do you....get up, watch tv.
'ach student asks one question. hey take turns.

A/ti0ity 8: S2ea4in5 9 P1a/ti/e
o e(ercise new structures
P1o/e%u1e Inte1a/tion Ti"in5
eacher announces students that they have to change the roles. om is the one
asking questions. ( 0lina/ 0ndrei, what do you do at eight o,clock everyday, every
morning. he questions alternate: what do you do/ when do you get up. "
/hen all the daily activities and structures are practised, teacher announces that
om has to go, but that they are going to continue the lesson without him.

A/ti0ity :: S2ea4in5 9 21a/ti/e
Ai" : to e(ercise new structures
P1o/e%u1e Inte1a/tion Ti"in5
he focus is now on students. eacher tells them to come and get a note having
the name of one of their collegues written on them. hey do not know who is
going to ask them questions until the teacher calls out a number (revision 5
numbers". he student having the number on the paper begins the activity. he
activity goes on for several minutes until all of them ask questions and give
answers as well.

A/ti0ity 6: )1a""a1: 'o1% o1%e1
o get used to the sentence structure
P1o/e%u1e Inte1a/tion Ti"in5
eacher shares worksheets containing %umbled sentences.
#/every/eight o, clock/ have breakfast/ day
eacher gives the intructions. -tudents work in pairs.
-tudents read their solutions out loud, then write them on the board. he other
students take notes after the corrections are made by the teacher with the help
of the other students.

6air work
A/ti0ity ;: int1o%u/in5 ne' 51a""a1
P1o/e%u1e Inte1a/tion Ti"in5
eacher shares some handouts containing two short te(ts: e.g.
# get up (7", # watch ! (7"
om gets up (7" om watches ! (7"
eacher reads the te(t( out loud. hen s/he asks some students to read them
as well. hen s/he asks about the differences between them.
-tudents answers the questions, while the teacher, having pro%ected the te(t on
the whiteboard, highlights the te(t according to their observations. (-s, -es "/ #/he
0fter e(plaining the rule for the third person, students have to e(ercise it.
hey have to play the following game:
8ne of the students says one sentence such as: # have dinner at eight a clock
every day. 0nother student has to go on, after repeating the information,
according to the following model:
0lina gets up at seven o,clock every day, and # get up at si( o,clock.
he ne(t student has to go on: 0lina (..", 0ndrei(7" and # watch ! at nine
o,clock every 3onday.
eacher has to be involved in the activity as well. -/he waits for her/his turn.
A/ti0ity <: Assi5nin5 $o"e'o14
P1o/e%u1e Inte1a/tion Ti"in5
eacher e(plains homework. (fill-in e(ercise"
eacher praises students for their work.

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