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Not Your Typical Entrepreneur

Jerry Maguire used to be a typical sports agent: willing to do just about
anything he could to get the biggest possible contracts for his clients,
plus a nice commission for himself. Then, one day, he suddenly has
second thoughts about what hes really doing. !hen he "oices these
doubts, he ends up losing his job and all of his clients, sa"e #od
Tidwell, an egomaniacal football player. $an Jerry resurrect his career
while still staying true to himself%
#e"iewers ha"e said that this mo"ie has it all & lo"e, laughter, and
business ad"ice. !e get 'red up when we see a good mo"ie, and in
our (Entrepreneur Minds( see all the great lessons that the mo"ie has
taught us about building our business, and relating to people. These
things are critical to entrepreneurs.
)n table format,
*escribe where Jerry Maguire e+hibits his entrepreneurial
#elate to the N,- .alaries /ssignment & )s #od Tidwell 0worth1
the big money%
!hat are the factors that are out of Maguire2s control that
a3ect his business success or lac4 of success%
5utline Jerry Maguire2s entrepreneurial characteristics of
fexibility, time management, people skills,
determination, and commitment to what he belie"es in
#elate to supply and demand
!hy is Tidwell not getting the big money at 'rst%
!hat mar4et conditions 'nally allow Tidwell to get
the big money%

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