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Great Gatsby Final Project Rubric Name: Holly Nauta


Excellent (4) Acceptable (3) Needs Improvement (2) Unsatisfactory (1)
I can analyze multiple
themes from a work and
explain how they
influence each other
I demonstrated
knowledge of at least
two themes, as well as
how they connected to
each other throughout
the novel.
I demonstrated
knowledge of at least
two themes, but did not
thoroughly show how
they related to each
I demonstrated
knowledge of two
themes but not how they
related to each other.
I did not demonstrate
knowledge of more than
one theme.
I can understand how
authors use different
structures to impact the
meaning of their work
I demonstrated
understanding of the
structural characteristics
of the novel were used
and it shaped how I
crafted my work.
I demonstrated
understanding of the
structural characteristics
of the novel, but it didnt
shape how I crafted my
I demonstrated little
understanding of the
structural characteristics
of the novel.
I did not address any of
the structural
characteristics of the
I can demonstrate my
understanding of this
I was able to convey that
I had a high level of
understanding for the
work, through
employing multiple
elements of the novel in
how I crafted my
I was able to convey that
I had a proficient level of
understanding for the
work, through
employing two or three
elements of the novel in
how I crafted my
I was able to convey that
I had some level of
understanding for the
work, employing an
element of the novel in
how I crafted my
I did not demonstrate a
level of understanding
for the work.
Writing Level
I can use the English
language to
communicate effectively
by using correct
grammar usage and
accurate spelling
I used correct spelling
and grammar
throughout my written
I had a few minor
spelling and grammar
There were between an
average of 5-9 errors per
every 100 words.
There was, on average,
more than ten 10 errors
per every 100 words.
I can write in a way that
communicates my ideas
clearly through the use
of organization,
selection, and analysis of
What I wrote showed
thoughtful planning and
organization, as well as
included exceptional
analysis of the source
What I wrote showed
planning and
organization as well as
included proficient
analysis of the source
What I wrote showed
some level of
structure, as well as
minimal analysis of the
source material.
What I wrote showed no
evidence of planning or
organization, and
included no analysis of
the source material.

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