Iamhe: Silence of The Mind

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Silence of the Mind

John A. Leman

Fibrous Dysplasia, I, a victim

A life of sorrow, a life of pain
Alas, a soft heart – broken system
O, dealing with hurt, walking in shame

How can one’s heart not be in despair?

Like watching a tragedy – lost love
Looking at me, do they even care?
Seeing a crow, hope for a white dove

The crow is rejected – I am he

It is my face – an aberration
I long, I hope for a life of glee
Yet I am filth, a lost creation

Where do I get the money to pay?

When I am living in dust – the slums
A Blessing, a Miracle, I pray
For I do not know when That time comes

What is love?
Is it – really – what they make it to be?
Unconditional, I am tired of
Does clean associate with debris?

That is me, debris – I am he

They aspire in their cleanliness
While I live and die with my disease
Will one, two, maybe three, show friendliness?

The victim, the deranged

The crow, the debris – I am he
All because I go day to day unchanged
Fibrous Dysplasia and poverty

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