Author Info Ph.D. Madalina Virginia ANTONESCU (Ph.D. Scientific Researcher)

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Author Info
Ph.D. Madalina Virginia ANTONESCU '"h.#. &cientific %esearcher(
)his article is representing a personal vie$ a!out the premises of the constitution* at the
!eginning of the ++, century* of a common cultural space* !y using in a creative $ay the
e-isting and the historical lin.s !et$een different countries and regions claiming the
same religious identity. /oreover* this type of common identity is not an o!solete .ey to
read the particularities of these regions and countries !ut* on a contrary* it represents a
positive and rich pattern of understanding the real needs and profiles of these countries*
proving the necessity and the actuality of a serious utilisation of the religious connections
!et$een countries and regions in order to !ring peace and not conflict* prosperity and not
poverty* .no$ledge and not o!scurantism. 0ar from !eing a synonym $ith o!scurantism*
fundamentalism and other 1politically correct2 la!els 'proving rather a simplistic and
superficial vie$ a!out the true role of religion in our contemporary $orld and in the
esta!lishment of a real cooperation !et$een nations(* the orthodo-y 'in this case( has
represented many times - during the peace periods- the solid !ase for a common identity
and solidarity !et$een countries* creating an original culture and a personal modality of
understanding the role of human !eing in the $orld* that presents interest even in our
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Publisher Info
Article provided !y 3ditura 5umen* #epartment of 3conomics in its 6ournal 5ogos
7niversalitate /entalitate 3ducatie 4outate - &ectiunea &tiinte "olitice si &tudii
3uropene/ 5ogos 7niversality /entality 3ducation 4ovelty - &ection: "olitical &ciences
and 3uropean &tudies.
Volme #$ear%: 1 '2011(
&""e #Month%: '0e!ruary(
Page": 73-100
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Related research
+e,word": religion> civili?ation> state> @reat )rans-3uropean Arthodo- &pace> 1non-3uropean $orld2>
1metropolitan $orld2> pan-orthodo-ism> cultural imperialism> neocolonialism> geopolitics of civili?ations>
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