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He placed M. chalice next to his bed, for he desired to serve. To use it six strings as
Astro world lines of harmony creation renewal. Launching dream arpeggios
commending riffs this individual angelic bodies. Setting forth the sound to align on
stabilize reality lairs. The guitar is a sword for the Michael. In fact it can be a
command board for multiple prayer launch zones. The commander of this medium
can compose whole dream sequences to weave meditation zones over planetary
imbalances. Through advanced dream body mental focus he can powerfully push
linear and multi angleIn a sound to light zones. This is accomplished intuitively and
creatively through both passive and active functions of will and intention. Heavy
waking immersion in sound and fretboard work combines with callings to the
Michael and a abidance in the truth of the unified perfect whole self. daily practice
in this manner will result in dream time awareness of lucid sound healings using the
guitar/ sword medium.

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