Semillero 4 de 9C

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Wter Ozonator
institution educational technical Industrial Simona Duque.
Marinilla, Antioquia
seedlings No. 4 thinkers:
Question research
Abstracto project
General purpose

Foto del grupo



-Camilo Hernndez G. -Jhony Alexis Arteaga G.
-Carlos Esteban Rodrguez Z.
How to care for and
decontaminate water marinilla river
with water ozonator ?
Getting people do not throw
garbage and waste to not affect the
river marinilla with more pollution.
We do this in order to care for and
decontaminate the river marinilla
to one day be all clean mind and
return to enjoy it.
With this project we seek to make
people think more about the
damage they are causing to the
river marinilla throwing garbage,
rubbish etc. straight into the river
destroying it more and more so it
is important that we all join
together and care but the
marinilla broken.

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