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Spring Arbor University School of Education

Lesson Plan Essential Elements

Title: Lesson D - Duple and triple meter
Subject: Concert Choir
Grade Level: 9
grade Time Allotted: ! mins"
#aterials $e%uired: reading sheet containing duple and triple rhythms that progress in difficulty per line, students need
their music notebook, whiteboard with dry erase markers.
(entury S)ills: *nformation Literacy
+PAA standards: !".#.$.%.& 'ight read basic melodies in treble and bass clefs, using combinations of whole, half,
(uarter, eighth, si)teenth, and dotted notes and rests* in simple meter.
#ichigan (urriculum ,rame-or): benchmark and+or ,LC-+.'C-+-,LC- /write out0
Objective(s): TL. be able to read and dictate basic rhythms in duple/triple meter"
*nstructional Procedure: .hat information do students need to accomplish the objective0s12 'tudents should
already know the time 1alues of (uarter notes, eighth notes, half notes, dotted notes, rests, and notes with ties.
Essential Element
1 min. !" Anticipatory Set: 2,ood #orning3 "oday we are going to build some of our musicianship skills.4
'" State Purpose and 3bjective0s1 of Lesson: 27e are going to get you ac(uainted with being able to
read duple and triple rhythms with rests using rhythm syllables.4
5$. &-
16 mins.
" Plan for *nstruction:
. !hythm reading- $. .a1e students take out their music notebook. 7rite on board8
Duple "riple

Do /pronounced 2doo40 Do

Do-de do-da-di /di pronounced 2dee40

Do-ta-de-ta do-ta-da-ta-di-ta /only they should
be beamed together0
.a1e the students copy these into their notebook as you write them on the board and e)plain them.
"hen ha1e the student say a rhythm groupings one by one with you without a tempo.
$$. 9ass out the rhythm sheets to each student. .a1e them look at line number 1 which has the
':- ;aculty, 2+2<+16
16 mins
5 mins
< mins
easiest rhythm. .a1e them indi1idually write out how to say the rhythm on the page and then say it
without a set tempo.
$$$. "eacher will then ha1e them do it again as a class only in a tempo of the teacher>s choosing.
$=. Formal Formative Assessment: (To prepare for Formal Summative Rhythm Reading test) Give
the students line 2 of the rhythm page as homework. Tell them these instrutions:
"hey are to copy the rhythm of line 2 onto a sheet of notebook paper and write in the rhythm
syllables below each corresponding note for an assignment grade. "he they should practice that
rhythm in a steady tempo of their choosing. "hey are to put their names on the paper and turn it in
at the beginning of the ne)t class. "he ne)t class we will go o1er the answer and then say the
rhythm in a steady tempo once or twice until the ma?ority of the students get it right. "he speaking
portion will not be part of the student>s grade at this point in time, but the written portion will be.
/7rite assignment on board0.
4" 5ifferentiation (onsiderations 0accommodations1: @e prepared to offer help to students who ha1e
trouble remembering the syllables of the rhythm.
&. 1 min 6" Assessment: "he ssessments were an informal-ha1ing them do it in class, a formal homework
assignment, and a formal assignment in which the student>s were recorded.
<. 56
7" (losure: !emember the homework assignment due ne)t class.
':- ;aculty, 2+2<+16

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