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Bridging the Gap between Internal

Systems and using

Oracle SOA Suite 11g

Overcoming Integration Challenges
August 2010

Author: Brian Sipsey of M&S Consulting

Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 2
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using
Oracle SOA Suite 11g


As the world of Business / IT Alignment evolves, and Process Centric IT becomes
a focus for gaining visibility and driving transformation, organizations must assess
if each application can be seamlessly integrated into the enterprise. The business
model where a third party company manages applications and infrastructure inside
of a cloud, aka Software as a Service (SaaS), has left organizations wondering
what boundaries a cloud really has. How well can clouds integrate into an
enterprise? Does our organization have control of our Software as a Service (SaaS)
and managed environments?
Oracle SOA Suite 11g, a member of the Fusion Middleware family, is a powerful
suite of products for integration applications and SaaS environments. At a high
level, integrating with a SaaS application might appear just like any other
integration project. However, SaaS solutions have additional complexity around
security, scalability, and endless customization options that require proper tooling
to effectively achieve the integration. This white paper will demonstrate how one
can bridge the gap between internal systems and SaaS applications. It will use
Oracle SOA Suite 11g and, both leading products in their space, to
illustrate the concepts.
There are many cases where it is valuable to automate business processes which
originate or pass through A sale that originates in
could be then be automatically available in downstream CRM and Ordering
systems once the sale is closed. Customers data may need to be synchronized and
potentially updated in to help instruct Sales Associates of cross
selling opportunities. This whitepaper will describe how to overcome integration
challenges and mold to conform to the business needs of the
Software as a Service (SaaS) is also known
as Cloud computing because a third
party has full ownership of all hardware
and software. Use of the application is
licensed out to customers as a service.
Advantages of the SaaS business model
are a low startup cost, reduced risk for
customers without strong internal IT, and
increased scalability as users can be added
and removed as needed
Disadvantages are that there is no direct
control of the environments, and licensing
fees over time will typically result in a
higher total cost of ownership.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 3
SaaS Interface Challenges
If we look at the nature of SaaS, a few notable design challenges present
themselves that should be addressed at the beginning of an integration project. A
direct look at the nuances of web services gives insight into
common challenges of most SaaS providers.
Overcoming Integration Challenges
SaaS Challenge Oracle Fusion Middleware Solution
Fine Grained,
Weakly typed
Services business services, like most application
business services, attempt to be flexible, powerful and
generic so users may accomplish any function. This leaves
customers with the task of orchestrating the services to
extend the functionality to make it readily consumable by
the organization. doesnt provide a strongly typed CRUD
service for each object which is common in object oriented
models. Instead, provides single Create,
Retrieve, Update, and Delete methods that work with
generic arrays of objects of ANY type, and SQL queries
that can be run directly against the database.
Processes within Oracle Fusion Middleware can identify the
contents of the generic object arrays, and cast them into
strongly typed arrays of objects so that data can be easily
accessed within the middleware.
Security SaaS Web Services are publicly available on the internet,
meaning user logins, sessions, and security certificates must
be well managed. SOA Suite can easily authenticate with login methods and enforce additional
encryption using centralized security policies.
Scalability Large volumes of customers access web
services through a single login access point, and are
redirected to a site specific end point after login. Real time
assignment of web service binding information helps handle the volume, but presents an
additional challenge to integration developers. SOA Suite
makes it easy to dynamically update endpoint bindings on a
service definition after login.
Customizations allows users to add custom fields to any
business object, but propagates this field into the service
definition causing changes in the Middleware layer. Oracle
Fusion Middleware provides an Enterprise Service
Repository and a Meta Data Service (MDS) that can be
Software as a Service(SaaS) vendors have
integration layers similar to most mature
applications. Workflow can typically be
configured to generate outbound events,
and Web Service APIs provide fine grained
access to the business objects.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 4
used to centrally administer updates and manage versions.
Inbound and outbound service definitions can generate the
same objects with different definitions that cause schema
validation errors if both schemas are imported into the
same project. A loosely coupled design of inbound and
outbound services should be used to avoid this problem.
Schema validation can be turned off as a compiler option,
but this is not recommended.
Public Outbound
Event Interfaces workflow can be easily configured to trigger
events to a publicly available endpoint. Oracle Fusion
Middleware makes it easy to expose and secure services
conforming to a specified service definition.

The use case covered for this white paper is a value add scenario where any high
priority Account will be automatically followed up by a Business Owner who can
reach out to the client to discuss additional opportunities. The Sales person will be
using to identify high priority accounts, and the Business Owner
will be using an external Enterprise Application to contribute opportunities.

Business Process for High Priority Accounts




Set Salesforce
Account to High
Follow Up on
Account to
Discover Sales
Enter Sales
Pursue Sales

Account Follow Up - Outbound Integration
When a Sales Representative using indicates an Account is high
priority, the account automatically transfers to an external Enterprise Application
so the a Business Owner can further assess the clients needs.

Opportunity Creation - Inbound Integration
A Business Owner will place a follow up call to a customer, and enter strategy
information on the account in an Enterprise Application. A corresponding
Opportunity will be automatically created under the account in for
a Sales Representative to pursue.
Differentiating a sales process by
integrating with other
applications in the enterprise can generate
enormous value and transparency into
Sales operations. The ability for SOA Suite
to monitor and provide real time reports on
the success of any standardized business
process can also inform about the success
of enterprise wide sales strategies.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 5

This Business Process will explore many integration features of
such as Workflow, Outbound Messages, and the create and query methods of the
web service API. This design will also demonstrate features of Oracle SOA Suite
11g including Mediators, and the creation of a loosely coupled architecture using
SOA Composites. The diagram below shows how everything fits together.

Component Layout of the Solution
Oracle Fusion Middleware - SOA Suite
Workflow Rule
Trigger Account
Outbound Message
Web Service Layer
Save and Query
Follow Up
* *
* *
* * * *

Overview of Solution
To follow the steps outlined in this white paper, the following items are required.
1. User Account (a trial account can be obtained for 30 days)
2. Install JDeveloper 11g, available on the Oracle Technical Network (OTN)
Notable new features in Oracle Fusion
Middleware 11g are Mediator Service
Engine and SCA Composites. The Mediator
Service Engine makes it faster to develop
services focused on transformation and
routing. The SCA Composite allows BPEL
Processes, Mediators, and other engines
(Rules, Human Workflow, etc) to work
together in the same project.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 6
3. Install the Oracle Database, WebLogic Server and SOA Suite 11g (all
available on OTN
1. Outbound Integration
Scenario: When an account is updated in with a status of High, the
corresponding Opportunity will be sent to SOA Suite for processing in the
1.1 Create an Enterprise Business Service
1.2 Create a Outbound Event
1.3 Create a Workflow Rule
1.4 Consume the Outbound Event with Oracle SOA Suite
1.5 Configure the Outbound Event
2. Inbound Integration
Scenario: Creating a business service that exposed by SOA Suite to the enterprise
that creates Opportunities within
2.1 Configure a Project for the Inbound Integration
2.2 Authentication
2.3 Create a New Opportunity
2.4 Query the Opportunity based on the Account Id
3. Enterprise Application Integration with DB Adapters
Scenario: SOA Suite will be used to create an inbound business service to add
Accounts and an outbound event that notifies when strategy information is added
to an account.
3.1 Setup the Enterprise Application Databse
3.2 Insert a Record into the Enterprise Application Database
3.3 Trigger Events from the Enterprise Application Database
3.4 Configure Enterprise Business Service Routing Rules
4. Testing and Auditing the Integration
Scenario: Walk through an end to end test, and audit the process within SOA
4.1 Account Follow Up Test ( -> Enterprise Application)
4.2 Audit the Account Follow Up Integration within Oracle SOA
4.3 Opportunity Creation Test (Entperise Application to
4.4 Audit the Opportunity Creation Integration within Oracle SOA
5. Conclusion

This technical white paper is broken
down into several distinct sections
that make it easy to jump to a
particular section of interest, or follow
the paper step by step as a primer on integration with
Oracle Fusion Middleware.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 7
Business processes often originate from user actions within. A Workflow Rule will
be created to trigger an event when an account is set to high priority. The
Workflow Rule will then be linked to an Outbound Message
Within SOA Suite, a service will be created to consume the outbound event. To
ensure the design is application independent, an Enterprise Business Service will
also be created to decouple the integration from external

The API documentation should be explored to see more options:

Section 1.1 - Create an Enterprise Business Service
To ensure the integration is loosely coupled and application independent, the first
part of the project is to create a Business Service and Account definition that does
not conform to either application specific representation of an account.

Step 1 - Open Oracle JDeveloper 11g
It is assumed that JDeveloper 11g and SOA Suite 11g have been installed. Both
can be downloaded from
Step 2 - Create a new Application and an empty SOA Project
In JDeveloper, navigate to File | New | Application. Create a Generic
Application named SalesforceIntegration. Right click on the application, and select
New Project. Choose to create a SOA Project and name it AccountFollowUpEBS.
Step 3 - Create a Enterprise Account Business Object
Right click on the xsd directory within the SOA Project, and select New | XML |
XML Document | Name the Document EnterpriseAccount.xsd. This enterprise
account will serve as the canonical definition used in the middleware layer as an
interchange format for accounts that is application independent. Copy the
following schema definition into the xsd file.

<?xml version= '1.0' encoding= 'UTF-8' ?>
<schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
<element name="EnterpriseAccount"
<complexType name="EnterpriseAccountType">
<element name="accountId" type="string"/>
<element name="accountNumber" type="string"/>
<element name="accountName" type="string"/>
<element name="description" type="string"/>
<element name="annualRevenue" type="string"/>
<element name="numberOfEmployees" type="string"/>
<element name="phone" type="string"/>
<element name="promotionStrategy" type="string"/>
An Enterprise Business Service is a
concept used in Oracle AIA (Application
Integration Architecture) to loosely couple
Application Business Connector Services,
and also to enforce an Application
Independent Business Domain. In this
white paper, the inbound and outbound
services are similar in concept to the
Application Business Connector (ABCS)
providers and requestor services.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 8
<element name="strategyNotes" type="string"/>

Step 4 Create a new Mediator for Routing between applications
Drag the Mediator Service Component from the Component Pallete into the SOA
Composite, and Name the mediator AccountFollowUpMediator. Under Template,
choose Interface Definition from WSDL. There is no WSDL yet, but clicking on
the gear next to WSDL URL will generate one.

Step 5 Create a Service Definition accepting the Enterprise Account
On the Request tab, click on the flashlight, and select Project Schema Files |
EnterpriseAccount.xsd | Enterprise Account. Then set the operation name to
updateAccount and the port type name to updateAccount_ptt. Accepting these
settings will create the business service that will be used to route between

Mediators make it easy to quickly define a
service definition based on an existing
schema (xsd) by clicking on the generate
WSDL gear icon.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 9
Step 6 - Deploy the AccountFollowUpEBS Project
Deploy the process that was just created so the endpoint is available for the
inbound and outbound Application Business Connectors. The routing on this
service will be updated again at the end of the paper once the inbound integrations
have been created.

Section 1.2 - Create a Outbound Event
Define the structure and obtain the service definition for the outbound message.
Step 1 - Login to
An assumption for this document is that you have a valid account.
A test sandbox account should be used to avoid impacting production
environments. A trial account can be obtained for 30 days.
Step 2 - Create a New Outbound Message

A workflow can be setup so that it executes when a certain data condition is met,
and send an outbound message containing a specific object.

To create a workflow, navigate to the following location: Setup | Create |
Workflow and Approvals | Outbound Messages | New Outbound Message. will ask you to fill out three steps to complete the workflow.

Step 3 - New Outbound Message: Select Object

Select Opportunity as the object to send in the outbound message as shown below.

A workflow can be used to
detect complex data conditions and trigger
an outbound message to notify external
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 10
Step 4 - New Outbound Message: Configure Outbound Message

Fill out the name, description, and outbound URL. Since the endpoint has not
been created yet, fill out a generic endpoint and the correct endpoint will be added
once the publicly accessible service is available. Add the Opportunity fields that
will be sent with this outbound message.

Step 5 Verify Outbound Message
Press next to accept the default settings on step 3, and verify the Outbound
message was correctly setup as shown below.

Step 6: Obtain Service Definition for Outbound Event
Select the Click for WSDL link, and save the wsdl that pops up as
workflowOutboundMessage.wsdl. The WSDL file is a service definition defining
the format that a web service will adhere to in order to consume the outbound

Section 1.3 - Create a Workflow Rule

Now that an outbound event is created, a rule needs to be setup to trigger the
outbound event.
To consume outbound messages from, a service must be visible
to salesforce. This white paper uses a
publicly accessible endpoint. Additional
Security configurations are available
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 11
Step 1 - Create a New Workflow Rule
To create a Workflow Rule, navigate to the following location: Setup | Create |
Workflow and Approvals | Workflow Rules | New Rule. will ask
you to fill out three steps to complete the workflow.

Step 2 - New Workflow Rule: Select Object
Specify that the Account object is going to be monitored by this workflow.

Step 3 - Configure Workflow Rule

Configure the Rule by filling out the following fields:
Workflow rules can be triggered on any object based on the
objects state, such as when it is newly
created, and also based on a list of
conditional statements around each field
making it easy to generate business
relevent events.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 12
Rule Name: Customer Notification
Description: Send a message to Oracle SOA Suite when a customer is updated
Evaluation Rule: When a record is created, or edited and did not previously meet
the rule criteria
Run This Rule if the following criteria are met: Customer Priority equals High

Step 4 - Specify Workflow Actions
Link the outbound message created earlier named AccountChange to the
Workflow to trigger the message.

Step 5 - Select Outbound Message and Save the Action

Step 6 - Pressing Done to Finalize the Workflow Rule

At this point there are still two remaining configuration tasks.
1) The endpoint on the outbound message should be updated once the web
service is made publicly available.
2) The Workflow Rule needs to be activated, which can be done by selecting the
Activate Button after the Outbound Message is configured with the correct
endpoint. Workflows Actions can be
associated with Tasks, Email Alerts, Field
Updates, and Outbound Messages .
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 13
Section 1.4 - Consume the Outbound Event with Oracle SOA Suite
This section describes how to use Oracle JDeveloper 11g to implement a web
service conforming to the service definition for the outbound event generated by in the previous section. Once the message is received, a mediator
will transform the message and route it to the Enterprise Business Service.

Step 1 - Create a new SOA Composite project within JDeveloper
Navigate to File | New | Application | SOA Application and fill in the required
fields to create a New SOA Composite project. Name the Project

Step 2 - Copy the Outbound Message Service Definition into the project
Copy the service definition (workflowOutboundMessage.wsdl)
downloaded in the previous section into the project directory that was created. To
find the project directory, navigate to the workspace directory configured for
JDeveloper, find the application directory, and then the project directory. The
refresh button on the tree view will need to be pressed in JDeveloper to verify the
service definition is available within the project.

Step 3 - Create a Mediator to Consume the Outbound Message
Drag a Mediator from the Component Palette into the new SOA Composite.
Name the Mediator OutboundSalesforceEventFollowUp and choose Interface
Definition from WSDL. Click the Find Existing WDSL (+) Logo next to the
WSDL URL, and select the workflowOutboundMessage.wsdl.

Consuming the Oubound Event can be
done by creating an end point that
conforms to the service definition
published by With Oracle
SOA Suite 11g, a Mediator can be used to
transform and route the message with just
a few simple steps.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 14
Step 4 Create a Web Service Reference to the Enterprise Business Service
Drag the Web Service from the Components Palette into the External References
section of the SOA Composite. Name the reference UpdateAccountEBS, and click
on the Find Existing WSDLs icon next to the WSDL URL field. In the SOA
Resource Browser, change the drop down to Resource Palette, Expand the
application server and project where the Enterprise Business Service is located, and
select the AccountFollowUp service endpoint. Choose Okay to accept the
configured service.

Step 5 Connect the Mediator to the UpdateAccountEBS Service Reference

For this demo, Web Service references are
obtained from the server rather than the file
system to ensure correct service bindings
are setup. Deployment plans in Oracle SOA
Suite 11g allow users to create
configurations that work with multiple
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 15
Step 6 Open the Mediator and Select the Transform Icon

Step 7 Create a new Transform File and update the mappings

Step 8 Obtain an Endpoint for the Outbound Integration

Deploy the process to SOA Suite. Open the Enterprise Manager, expand the SOA
-> soa-infra, and verify the process was deployed successfully. Obtain an endpoint
by clicking into the service and pressing the Test Web Service button.

Section 1.5 - Configure the Outbound Message

This section shows how to update the end point on the outbound message and
activate it.

Mediators are based on the former Oracle
Enterprise Service Bus and in SOA Suite
11g, can be added to SOA Composites to
work side by side with other SOA
Components such as BPEL Processes.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 16
Step 1 - Update Endpoint Location for the Outbound Event

Login to and navigate to Setup | Create | Outbound Messages|
Edit Account Change. Update and save the Endpoint URL to the publicly exposed

1.4.2 Activate the Outbound Event
On the Outbound Message Detail screen, select the Activate button for the Customer
Notification workflow rule that appears under the Workflow Rules Using this
Outbound Message section. The salesforce inbound integration has now been
completed. This can be unit tested by creating a high priority account within
salesforce and seeing if the cooresponding SalesforceOutboundIntegration
composite is kicked off within SOA Suite.

SECTION 2 SALESFORCE INBOUND INTEGRATION exposes standard web services for performing Create, Update,
Retrieve, and Delete (CRUD) operations on underlying business objects. Oracle
Fusion Middleware is ideal for orchestrating the business services
to drive functionality and expose a powerful layer of web services that are more
relevant to the business.

This section describes how to create a SOA Composite containing a BPEL
Process that will orchestrate services. The process will accept an
Account containing additional strategy information, Login to,
Create an Opportunity, and then Query that Opportunity based on its account id.

Section 2.1 Configure a Project for the Inbound
This section will describe how to download the Web Service API,
configure elements, variables, and partner links, and plan the flow using the scope

Ensure the Business Service exposed to
consume Outbound
messages is visible to

When SOA Suite is running within an
organization, network administrators may
be required to allow access
to the endpoint, the ip may need to be
changed to a host name, and the port may
need to be opened so it is accessible
outside a firewall.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 17
Step 1 - Create a new SOA Composite Project with a BPEL Process
In JDeveloper Studio 11g, navigate to File | New | Create SOA Project. On Step
1, enter the Project Name SalesforceInboundIntegration, choose composite
template Composite with BPEL, and press Finish.

A Create BPEL Process will now pop up. Enter the name
SalesforceInboundIntegration and specify the template as a One Way BPEL
Process. This can also be made synchronous or asynchronous depending on what
functionality the business service will contain.

Step 2 - Generating the Web Service Definition

An Enterprise WSDL is published by to represent the custom domain for each customer. After setting up customizations to
business objects within, a developer must log in to
and navigate to setup | Develop | API Enterprise WSDL. Save the file as to
the local file system as SalesforceEnterpriseServices.wsdl.

Step 3 - Add a Partner link for the Services
Add the SalesforceEnterpriseServices.wsdl file to the project. Click the flashlight to
find the SalesforceEnterpriseService.wsdl. A Ref file will be created to add
additional partner link types.

Every time a custom field is added to an
Object within, the change
will propagate into the generated service
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 18
Step 4 - Modify the BPEL Process input variable to accept an Enterprise Account

Since this process is expected to lookup an account, the input parameter needs to
be updated to accept an Enterprise Account. Add the EnterpriseAccount.xsd to
this project. Open the schema definition for the BPEL Process.

Add the following as shown in the illustration.
1) The namespace definition:
2) The import statement:
<import schemaLocation="EnterpriseAccount.xsd"
namespace="" />
3) Update the process element to:
<element name="CustomerAccount"
The following image shows the new schema for the BPEL Process.

Step 5- Expose the Opportunity complexType as an Element
The complex types within the service definition need to be
exposed as elements before they can be manipulated as variables within BPEL. To
do this, open the SalesforceEnterpriseServices.wsdl, find the Opportunity complex
type, and add the line:
<element name="OpportunityElement" type="ens:Opportunity"/>

Step 6 - Create a SalesforceOpportunity variable

Create a new variable to setup the Opportunity that will be created in Open the new variable dialog by clicking on the (x) on the outer
scope of the process flow. Enter the name SalesforceOpportunity. Chose element,
The Enterprise Account is a simple
canonical data model used to establish an
enterprise domain that is independent of
any other application.
This example could have been designed as
a single BPEL Process that worked with
both and the Enterprise
Application database. A loosely coupled
design is just as easy to create and will
quickly add value when changes come
along down the road.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 19
and look through the available element in the enterprise.wsdl file to locate the
OpportunityElement that was just added.

Step 7 - Create a Variable to store Session Header Information
Create a new variable to set the session id information that can be attached to soap
requests when invoking the API. Select the Message Type
Flashlight | expand SalesforceEnterpriseServices.wsdl |Select the Header message

Step 8 - Create a Variable to update the Endpoint
This section will create a Endpoint Reference that can be used to update the server
url on the partnerlink for all requests after a login to salesforce. Open the Create
New Variable Dialog, and enter the variable name endpointReference. Select Type
Element, select the flashlight, and then choose the option Import Schema File.
Type the URL as the url,
and enter ok. The addressing schema will now appear as an imported schema in
the type explorer. Select the EndpointReference as the type and create the variable. objects are generated as
Complex Types in the service definition.
Elements need to be created based on
these complex types to manipulate them as
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 20

Step 9 - Add Scopes to Outline the Process Flow

Section 2.2 Authentication
Access to the API requires authentication with the
salesforce login service, creating a session header to submit to
subsequent requests, and updating the endpoint on the partner link for
subsequent requests. For this project, the login endpoint binding used
for login is:

Step 1 Add Login Activities
Add an Assign activity named AssignCredentials, and an Invoke activity named
LoginToSalesforce within the LoginToSalesforce scope.

When using BPEL, scopes are handy for
laying the functional aspects of a process
flow prior to adding each activity.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 21
Step 2 Configure the Login to Invoke Activity
Select the SalesforceEnterpriseService Partner Link, login operation and create
default input and output variables.

Step 3 Configure the Assign Credentials Invoke Activity
Setup the user name and password for the Account.

Logging into will return a
session id and a server URL to be used for
authentication and site specific binding on
subsequent service calls.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 22
Step 4 - Add Assigns to Set the Endpoint and Session Header

Step 5 - Initialize an Endpoint Reference Element

Use the following XML Fragment to initialize the end point.

The session id needs to be passed into the
SOAP header on method calls to validate
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 23
Step 6 - Copy the Server URL into the Endpoint Reference

Step 7 - Update the Endpoint Reference to

All customers log into the same login
service and are dynamically routed to a
customer specific endpoint for accessing
other services.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 24
Step 8 - Copy the Session ID into the Session Header Variable

Section 2.3 - Create a New Opportunity

In this section, a Opportunity will be created, required fields will be
populated, and then the opportunity will be sent to the create operation on the business service.

Step 1 Fill in the Write Opportunity Scope

The create operation in
accepts an array of objects, so multiple
objects of different types can be submitted
in a single service call.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 25
Step 2 - Configure the Write Opportunity Invoke
Choose the SalesforceEnterpriseService as the partner link, create as the operation,
and generate the default input and output variables.

Step 3 - Set the Session Header on the Invoke
JDeveloper 11g does not provide a graphical way to set the header variable, but
this can be remedied by updating the BPEL Source directly. Switch to the source
view and add the following attribute to the invoke:

In JDeveloper 10G, a tab on the invoke was
used to set the session header. This tab
has been removed in 11g, but the
underlying BPEL can be updated directly in
the source view to pass in the session id.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 26

Step 4 - Intialize the Opportunity Element
In the Set Opportunity assign, we must fill in a series of copy operations to
populate the Opportunity with required fields to write it to

The xml used in the XML Fragment is:
<sfdc:OpportunityElement xsi:type="sfdc:Opportunity"
<sfdc:Amount xmlns:sfdc=""/>
<sfdc:Name xmlns:sfdc=""/>

Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 27
Step 5 - Write the Account ID
Set the high level account id in the Opportunity to link it to the
correct account.

Step 6 - Set the Opportunity Name
For this example, the name will be the text Auto Generated plus the value entered
into the Promotion Strategy field.

Setting the account id on an opportunity
will automatically link it to the desired
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 28
Step 7 - Set the Amount of the Opportunity
A generic value of $5,500 will be set to the value of the opportunity.

Step 8 - Set the Sales Stage for the Opportunity to Prospecting

Automatically creating an Opportunity
within will allow a Sales
Representative to identify customer needs
without constant communication with the
Business Owner.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 29
Step 9 - Set the Opportunity Description to the Strategy Notes

Step 10 - Set the Close Date

Step 11 - Assign the Opportunity as the Create Input Object returns errors as strongly
typed messages in the response. Fault
handlers will be useful for catching binding
faults, but the response variable also needs
to be checked to determine if any specific
business faults occurred,
The diagram in Step 11 shows that the
create variable is weakly typed as an array
of ANY type elements. All of the CRUD
services work in the same way requiring
the objects to be cast into strongly typed
elements before the data can be easily
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 30

Section 2.4 - Query the Opportunity based on the Account Id
This section will validate the opportunity was created and associated to the correct
Account. This adds no functionality to the process, but demonstrates how to
perform a query.

Step 1 Add Activities needed to perform a Query

Step 2 Fill out the Query Account Invoke Activity
Set the Partner Link to SalesforceEnterpriseService, the operation to query, and
add default input and output variables. has created a proprietary
Query language called SOQL (Salesforce
Object Query Language) that is very similar
to SQL and can be used to join objects and
specify conditional clauses.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 31
Step 3 Set the Session Header on the Invoke
Switch to the source view and add the following attribute to the invoke:

Step 4 Assign the Query String uses a query language similar to SQL called SOQL which can be
set on the query. This query will return all opportunities on the account that has
been passed in, which can be seen during audit to validate the opportunity was

The SOQL Query used here is: concat("SELECT Id, Name, AccountId
,CloseDate, Amount FROM Opportunity WHERE AccountId='",

This section will create a fictitious application named Enterprise Application to
demonstrate how to use the DB Adapter in SOA Suite to build inbound and
outbound integrations with a database. The routing rules on the Enterprise
Business Service created at the beginning of this white paper will then be updated
to create a loosely coupled integration between and the Enterprise

Section 3.1 - Set up the Enterprise Application Database

To keep things simple, this white paper will assume the Enterprise Application will
be a simple database schema with a single table to store Account information. Two
A SOQL Builder is available at to help build and test SOQL
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 32
account fields will be unique to the application named Promotion Strategy and
Strategy Notes. Once filled in, this additional data will be used to auto generate a Opportunity for the account.

To set up the Enterprise Application, create a new database user named
EnterpriseApp, and execute the following SQL to generate the Customer Account


Section 3.2 - Insert a Record into the Enterprise Application Database
This section will demonstrate how to create a web service that accepts accounts
and inserts them into the Enterprise Application.

Step 1 - Create a New Project
Create a SOA Project named EAInboundIntegration containing a BPEL Process
named EAInboundAdapter.

Step 2 - Configure the Input Element to Accept an Enterprise Account
As was done earlier in this paper, import the CustomerAccount.xsd into the
project. Then add the corresponding namespace, import statement, and Request
element as shown below.

Step 3 - Create a Database Adapter to Insert Accounts
Open the EAInboundAdapter bpel process. Drag and drop the Database Adapter
from the components panel into the partnerlink area of the BPEL Process.

The Adapter Configuration Wizard will appear.
Step 1: Click Next.
The Database Adapter automatically
exposes complex database functionality
such a Merge, Insert, Update, Delete,
Select, and database polling as web
services containing auto-generated request
and response messages.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 33
Step 2: Add Service Name EnterpriseApplicationDB and Click Next
Step 3: Select or Create a Connection to the database and click Next
Step 4: Select Perform an Operation on a Table, check Insert Only, and press Next

Step 5: Select the Table by clicking Import Table. Query for the
Customer_Accounts table, move it into the Selected column, Press Next, and then
Press Next again.

Step 6 : Press Next to skip Reachable Relationships

Multiple tables can be chosen to create
logic requiring table joins.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 34

Step 7 : Setup the attributes that will be written

Step 8: Click Next
Step 9: Click Finish.

Step 4 - Layout the Process
Create scope in the BPEL Process named InsertAccount filled with an Transform
activity named SetupAccount and an Invoke activity named InsertAccount. A final
returnSuccess assign activity has also been added to update the output value to

Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 35

Step 5 - Configure the Insert Account Invoke
Configure the Invoke Operation to use operation insert and create the default

Step 6 - Transform the Enterprise Account
To convert the Enterprise Account into a readable format, open the transform.
Select the source as the inputVariable payload, set the target to the insert input
variable for the DB Adapter, and then Create a new mapper file named
xsl/XFormCreateAccount.xsl. Update the mappings as shown.

Step 7 - Deploy the EAInbound project

Section 3.3 - Trigger Events from the Enterprise Application Database

Now that accounts are written to the EA database, this project will set up a polling
mechanism to trigger a BPEL flow when the Strategy Notes are added to the
Customer Account.

XSLT makes it quick to create and
standardize transformations between
business domains that can be reused
throughout the application.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 36

Step 1 - Create an EA Outbound Integration Project

Create a new SOA Project named EAOutboundIntegration that contains a BPEL
Process named UpdateAccount. In the composite, we will delete the Exposed
Service that was created since the process will be initiated from a polling adapter.
The default WSDL definition can also be removed.

Step 2 - Create a new DB Adapter to Poll the EA Database
Open the BPEL Process and drag the Database Adapter from the Component
Palette onto the process. Name the Adapter DatabaseEventListener and press

The auto generated services and port types
are not needed in this bpel process since a
DB Polling Adapter will instantiate the
process, and an external service will then
be invoked.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 37

Step 3 - Choose the Database Connection and press Next.

Step 4 - Choose to Poll for New or Changed Records in a Table

Step 5 - Choose the table CUSTOMER_ACCOUNTS
The Query button will display a list of available tables will appear. Select
CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT and click the arrow to move it into the selected tables.
Click OK and next through to step 8.
Database Polling works by executing a
query against the database at intervals and
generating a message containing all new or
changed records. All records will be sent
as an array in the same process flow, so
records may need to be looped through and
individually processed or correlated with
long running processes.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 38

Step 6 - Choose to Delete the Row that was Read

Step 7 - Accept Default Polling

Step 8 - Edit the SQL to Read Accounts with a Promotion Strategy
Add a where clause to the sql by pressing the edit button and building a new
Expression. Set the Query Key to Promotion_Strategy, the Operator to Not
Equal, and the Second Argument to an empty Literal that will be translated to null.
Then press Ok, Next, Next, Finish to create the adapter.

Database Polling requires a data condition
to be satisfied within the database to
identify when a record has changed. This
trigger can be an update or create date,
restricting the query based on a data value,
or as simple as removing the record once it
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 39

Step 9 Update the Initial Receive Activity for the BPEL Process
Double click on the default receive activity that instantiates the process. Change
the name to ReceiveAccountUpdate, Change the Partner Link to the
DatabaseEventListener, set the operation to receive, and create the default
variable. Ensure that the Create Instance button is checked.

When consuming outbound events from a
database, the initial Receive activity must
have the Create Instance box checked so
the process can be created.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 40
Step 10 Create a Partner Link to the Enterprise Business Service
Drag a Web Service onto the BPEL Process. Name it SaveAccountEBS, make it of
type reference, and pull up the search for the WSDL URL. In the SOA Resource
Browser, navigate to the Resource Palette| Application Server | EBS Project
Name | and select the WSDL.

Step 11 Update the clientCallback Invoke to call the EnterpriseBusinessService

By having all outbound business
connectors call the Enterprise Business
Service, it is easy to centrally configure the
routing of all messages.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 41
Step 12 Add a Transform Operation
Map the input variable from the DB Polling Adapter to the outbound variable
being sent to the Enterprise Business Service, and create a new XSL Mapper file.

Step 13 Map the EA Account to the Enterprise Account

Step 14 - Deploy the SalesforceOutboundIntegration project

Section 3.4 - Configure Enterprise Business Service Routing Rules
Now that Inbound and Outbound Integrations have been setup for
and the example Enterprise Application, the routing logic within the Enterprise
Business Service can be updated.

This process is triggered by a database
adapter, so it is important to check the
Receive activity connected to the Database
Event Listener and ensure the Create
Instance option is checked.
This whitepaper describes a very simple
integration where routing can directly
occur between application specific
business connectors. For more complex
processes, the Enterprise Business Service
may route to a long running Enterprise
Business Flow that could centrally manage
the flow in an application independent way.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 42
Step 1 Add Web Service References to the Inbound Integration
In the AccountFollowUpEBS composite.xml, drag a Web Service onto the SOA
Composite. Create a Service named of type reference, and open the
SOA Resource Browser to find the Inbound WSDL location on
the application server in the Resource Palette.

Step 2 Add Web Service References to the EA Inbound Integration
Drag another Web Service onto the SOA Composite. Create a Service named
EAInbound of type reference, and open the SOA Resource Browser to find the
EA Inbound WSDL location on the application server in the Resource Palette.

Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 43

Step 3 Connect the Mediator to the newly created Service Reference

Step 4 Add Routing Rules in the Mediator
Double Click on the Mediator to view the routing. Static Routing references have
been created, but the routing rules need to be updated so the mediator correctly
route based on the content of the EnterpriseAccount.
For each Static Routing Rule, click on the funnel to edit the Routing Expression.
For the Mapping add:
string($in.request/inp1:EnterpriseAccount/inp1:strategyNotes) != ""
For the EA Inbound Mapping, add the inverse:
string($in.request/inp1:EnterpriseAccount/inp1:strategyNotes) = ""

Once a Mediator is connected two services,
content-based routing rules need to be
configured or messages will be propagated
to both services.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 44
Step 5 - Deploy the Enterprise Business Service

This section outlines how to run the end to end test, and then audits the BPEL
Process to show the results.

Section 4.1 - Account Follow Up Test ( Enterprise

Step 1 - Navigate within to Create New Account
After logging into, select Create New Account which can also be
accessed under the Account tab by clicking the New button.

Step 2 - Enter the Account Information
Ensure the Customer Priority is set to High to trigger the workflow, and fill out
the Phone, Annul Revenue, Employees, and Description fields which will be
viewed by the business user in the external Enterprise Application Press Save.

New Accounts can be created quickly in by navigating to the
Accounts tab and selecting New.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 45
Step 3 - View the Account in the Enterprise Application

Section 4.2 - Audit the Account Follow Up Integration within Oracle
SOA Suite

Step 1 - Navigate to the process instances
Open the Enterprise Manager, click on SOA | soa-infra | Instances tab | Press
Search. The flow can now be seen through the SalesforceOutboundIntegration
process into the EAInboundIntegration Process.

Step 2 - View the Flow Trace
Click on the Instance ID for the EAInboundIntegration that was just run.

SQL Developer is being used as the User
Interface to update fields in this demo
Enterprise Application.
The flow trace highlights the loosely
coupled process flow from the integration,
through the Enterprise Business Service,
and into the Inbound EA integration.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 46
Step 3 - Validate the Data Insert
Click on the EAOutboundAdapter BPEL Component to validate everything ran
successfully. Expand the UpdateAccountInvoke to validate the data being inserted
into the Enterprise Application.

Section 4.3 - Opportunity Creation Test (Enterprise Application to

Step 1 - Update the Test Account with a Promotion Strategy and Strategy Note

Once this change is committed, the data
will be propagated back to
as an opportunity within 5 seconds since
the default database polling configuration
is used.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 47

Step 2 - Verify the Account was created in
Open, refresh the Account created earlier, and validate that the
Opportunity has been created under Opportunities.

Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 48
Step 3 - Validate the Opportunity
Click on the Opportunity Name and verify the opportunity was created.

Section 4.4 - Audit the Opportunity Creation integration within Oracle
SOA Suite

Step 1 - View the SOA Composite Instances
Navigate to Enterprise Manager | SOA | soa-infra | Instances | Search listing to
see that the EA Outbound and Inbound SOA Composites have

Enterprise Manager has allowed all types of
SOA Composites to be viewed in the same
SOA admin console.
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 49
Step 2 - View the Flow Trace
Drill into the instance id for Inbound composite. Validate that all
parts of the process ran successfully.

Step 3 - Verify the Login to Activity
Drill into the UpdateSalesforceAccount BPEL Component.
Click on Flow View | Click on the Login to Salesforce activity and verify that the
session id and Server URL were returned.

Step 4 - Verify the Endpoint Reference
Click on the Set Server URL activity to verify the Endpoint Reference was updated
to use the Salesforce server url.

This diagram shows the session id and
server URL that were generated from a
successful login.
The partner link has been dynamically
updated to route all service calls to a
dynamic endpoint location during process
Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 50
Step 5 - Verify the Session Header
Select the Set Session Id activity to verify that the Salesforce session id has been
passed into the session header which will be used on subsequent invokes.

Step 6 - Verify the Write Opportunity
Click on the Write Opportunity activity and validate the Opportunity has the
correct information and that the result says it was created successfully.

Step 7 Verify the Query and Opportunity Returned
Click on the Query Account activity and validate the SOQL (Salesforce Object
Query Language) was properly formed and returned the expected Opportunity.

Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and using Oracle SOA Suite 11g Page 51

The Returned Opportunity:


This whitepaper has demonstrated that integrating with or another
SaaS solution using Oracle SOA Suite 11g is not inherently more difficult than
integrating with internal applications. The business scenario chosen provides a
primer on how to build inbound and outbound integrations around
that can be adapted to just about any project. The new features in Oracle SOA
Suite 11g also facilitate the creation of a loosely coupled, application independent

Only the fields requested in the query will
be returned. The return value will still
conform to a complex type
so it is easy to work with.

Bridging the Gap between Internal Systems and with Oracle SOA Suite 11g
September 2010
Author: Brian Sipsey of M&S Consulting

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