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11 July 2012
Find an article at least 250-300 words and identify the preposition, conjunctions and
interjection in it.
Creating realistic, natural-sounding dialogue in writing can be a difficult task for
writers. Dialogue may come off as rigid and artificial. Whether an author is writing
fiction or nonfiction, they are almost always tasked with creating some form of dialogue.
After editing thousands of manuscripts, the editors at believe that the most
useful tool for creating an air of humanism in a characters dialogue is the interjection.

An interjection is a noun that stands alone in a sentence and is designed to convey
the emotion of the speaker or narrator. By stands alone, we mean to say that an
interjection is not grammatically connected to the sentence in which it is used.
Interjections are used by authors to add an element of realism to their prose, as humans
often use interjections heavily within their everyday speech. Interjections are often
followed by an exclamation mark, leading people to refer to them as exclamations.
Examples of interjections are Ouch! and Wow! or even Cheers!
Wow! That spoon is huge!
This sentence illustrates the function of an interjection. Wow, being the
interjection, stands completely on its own, not connected to the subsequent sentence by
anything other than context. As you can see, it is followed by an exclamation mark,
adding excitement to the quote. You can imagine the character saying this with widened
eyes and an excited tone while commenting on the massive spoon at which he is looking.
Compare this to saying, That spoon is huge. The latter sentence is lifeless and
conveys no emotion to the reader whatsoever. Interjections have the unique ability of
being able to stand as sentences all on their own. The exclamation Whatever!often
heard as a teenager storms out of a roomis an example of an interjection functioning as a
one-word sentence.

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