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Gabe Courser

College Paper
Block 4
College Narrative
Imagine that you are riing in a car! It"s the ay a#ter you arrive in $irginia a#ter
the % hour trip& an you are 'onering 'hat the #amily is oing toay as our #irst etour
o# the trip! ()a 'here are 'e going toay*+ your brother asks! (,he Nauticus in
Nor#olk+ is all he replies! -ou learn #rom your mom that this Nauticus is a museum! -ou
are all bumme because you believe you are going to 'aste your ay a'ay looking at art
an ol pottery! Never really been intereste in history! But that is about to change a#ter
toay. as the car pulls into the parking lot& you see something that sparks your interest!
I 'as struck 'ith 'oner an a'e as my eyes attempte to take in the sight! It
'as a gigantic& gray& metal& ship/ I ha seen the 011 1ilversie& a 2orl 2ar ,'o
submarine& an thought it 'as really cool but this ship 'ar#e the 1ilversie at least t'o
times over! ,he 011 2isconsin 'as the name o# this gran vessel! ,here 'as a builing
ne3t to it& so I conclue that the ship 'asn"t 'hat 'e 'ere going to be vie'ing! ,he
builing 'as the Nauticus I assume!
I 'as isappointe that 'e 'ere going to the Nauticus instea o# the ship& but
a#ter looking over the items in the builing 'e turne right an there& irectly ahea& 'as
a small brige that le to the 2isconsin/ It turne out that the ship 'as part o# the
museum! It looke even more gargantuan as I scramble onto the eck! 2e took turns
trying in vain to li#t the heavy metal chain that hols the ships anchor! 4#ter vie'ing the
si3teen inch gun turrets an all o# the main eck& my ne'#oun interest in this historic
ship rove me to convince my parents to take the actual tour o# the ship!
,hroughout the tour I enthusiastically learne about the history o# the 2isconsin&
an its role in 2orl 2ar II! 2e e3perience the (knee knockers+ #irst han an 'e sa'
the bes an the bathrooms o# the sailors! I 'as surprise at ho' compact it 'as in the
ship! 5n the outsie it looke like each cre'member 'oul have gotten his o'n room but
on the insie I sa' that my guess 'as very 'rong!
4#ter leaving the ship an the Nauticus behin& I #elt a nee to learn more about
this ship an the times it came #rom! 4n so began my constant stuy o# 2orl 2ar I an
2orl 2ar II! 1eeing this mighty paraigm o# history 6umpstarte my interest an mae
me the history loving person I am toay!
I 'oul make a goo aition to your university because I am an intereste
person 'ho is reay& 'illing& an e3cite to learn! I also am more respect#ul an reverent
since my trip to the 2isconsin! I# I set my min to oing something such as learning
about 2orl 2ar II& then you can e3pect that goal or task to be #ul#ille! I 'oul be a
goo stuent as I have al'ays been be#ore!

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