English 9 Course Outline

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English 9 Course Outline

Teacher: Ms. Koot Room: 106

Email: LKoot@deltasd.bc.ca Website: www.mskoot.weebly.com
Homework: mskoot.homework@gmail.com

Welcome to English 9!

Throughout this year, we will have the opportunity to learn more about yourself and your
world through your examination of literature and through your own writing.

Course Content
Reading: short stories, novels and poetry
Writing: the writing process, grammar and sentence structure, paragraph types, the
essay, writing about literature
Midsummer Nights Dream

Students will be required to have:
A three-ring binder
Dividers labeled with the following categories:
o Short Stories
o Novel Study
o Writing
o Grammar
o Poetry
o Shakespeare
Lined paper
Pens, pencils, highlighters
Whiteout and erasers
Agenda book (provided by the school)

Some additional things you may need:
Sticky notes (to mark pages in books)
A variety of colored pens (for note taking and projects)

***it is very important that you keep your English binder organized and neat. At the end of
the year you will be expected to write a final exam based on all the information covered in
Grade 9; it s very hard to prepare and study for this exam if you do not have all of the
handouts and assignments from the year.

Your grade will be broken down in
the following way:
Assignments, tests, projects, writing 70%
Participation, homework 10%
Grade 9 Final Exam 20%
Grading Scale:
A 86%-100%
B 73%-85%
C+ 67%-72%
C 60%-66%
C- 50%-59%
I/F >50%
During the first couple of classes we will develop a rubric AS A CLASS to help you understand
what will be expected of you regarding the participation and homework marks.

You will also receive a work habits mark, based on the following standardized SDSS rubric.

Performance Standards for Work Habits
Behaviour Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Attendance No unexcused
No unexcused
Punctuality On time to every class One or two late
Frequently late to
class and/or late by
several minutes
Equipment Always brings
Occasionally has
forgotten equipment
Frequently does not
bring equipment
Work Ethic Gets to work quickly;
remains on task
Works well as directed
and generally remains
on task
Slow to get started,
must be supervised
constantly and
closely or goes off
Attitude Shows interest in the
class; offers
constructive ideas
Is generally accepting
of class work and
displays a positive
Often brings a
negative attitude to
class; complains
and/or goes off task
Participation Frequently offers
productive ideas;
works to support the
activity in class
Takes part in activities;
responds when called
Avoids taking part in
class activities; rarely
contributes to class
or contributes
Homework Work is always
completed; excellent
quality is produced;
evidence of home
study for exams
Completes work most
of the time to an
acceptable quality;
some evidence of
home study for exams
incomplete, showing
minimal effort; rare
evidence of home
study for exams
Responsibility Often shows initiative;
accepts feedback
willingly and takes
responsibility to
improve; always
present for due dates,
presentations, and
Occasionally shows
initiative; responds
appropriately to
feedback and makes
corrections as
directed; some
absenteeism for due
dates, scheduled
presentations, and
Rarely shows
initiative; responds
poorly to feedback;
avoids doing
remedial work;
frequently absent for
due dates,
presentations, and
* please note that it will be class policy that if you display satisfactory work habits in two of
more categories it will result in you receiving an S on your report card; if you display work
habits that need improvement in two or more categories you will receive an N on your report

Assignment Policy
One of the most important things you can do to maximize your chances of success is to
develop good work habits. You will have homework most nights, but the course is designed
so that a significant portion of your work can be completed in class. It is expected that you
will make the most of the time you are given. As such, I have a zero tolerance policy for
cellphone or electronic devices use during class. There may be times in which I have you
research using your phones, but I will tell you in advance. All other times, I expect phones to
be turned off and in your bag or locker.

While I do not take off marks for late assignments, any assignments submitted after the due
date will be factored into the participation and homework mark, as per the rubric that we
will create as a class.

Students who submit plagiarized assignments will receive a mark of zero, their parents will be
contacted and they will be referred to administration.


If you have any questions or concerns, I will be available through email at

If you would like to submit any assignments electronically, you may do so at

I am available more days before and after school and I am happy to provide extra help,
should you need it. PLEASE SELF ADVOCATE. The best way to ensure that I am available to
answer your questions is to make an appointment with me ahead of time.

Im looking forward to a great year!

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