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AP Psychology 2014/2015

Course Work Expectations

The following are the consistent expectations per term:

1) Blog reflections and comments
A blog entry for each chapter must be completed by the end of the term. What you
choose to write about is fairly open-ended, but it needs to be thought provoking and well
thought out. You also need to comment on the blog post of someone else in your class, with
a constructive comment.

2) Chapter outlines (study guides and vocabulary)
These will be handed out at the beginning of the chapter, and are to be handed in on the
day of the chapter test
- All questions completed and vocabulary section done
- These are meant to help you with both the chapter test and the AP exam/final exam
- You will receive a mark based on the Chapter Outline Marking Rubric. Marks will be
weighted accordingly each term. Sometimes we will peer-mark them, sometimes I will
mark them.

3) Chapter test
These are usually MC, with 30-35 questions. Some may have bonus or open-ended questions,
which you will be informed of ahead of time.

You will be allowed to re-write up to two quizzes at the end of each term. There will be
specific re-write dates that you will have to sign up for.

4) Homework
I will be checking homework regularly when it is assigned. Homework checks marks are all or
nothing you either completed the whole thing or you dont get credit for it. Most often, you
will have time to start homework in class, so I will not give part marks for partially completed
homework assignments. Homework will be assessed based on the Homework, Participation
and Attitude rubric at the end of each term.

General Expectations

- Always give me a hard copy of an assignment
- ALWAYS type assignments, unless it is a worksheet or in-class work
- When absent, the student is responsible to turn in all assigned work by regular due
dates. To find out what has been missed, the student must make arrangements to
contact another student in the class. I will not accept the excuse, But Ms. Koot, I was
away when we did that. It is the students responsibility to stay on schedule.

Late or missing assignments and tests:
While I do not take off marks for late assignments, any assignments submitted after the due
date will be factored into the participation and homework mark.

You will also receive a work habits mark, based on the following standardized SDSS rubric.

Performance Standards for Work Habits
Behaviour Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Attendance No unexcused
No unexcused
Punctuality On time to every class One or two late
Frequently late to
class and/or late by
several minutes
Equipment Always brings
Occasionally has
forgotten equipment
Frequently does not
bring equipment
Work Ethic Gets to work quickly;
remains on task
Works well as directed
and generally remains
on task
Slow to get started,
must be supervised
constantly and
closely or goes off
Attitude Shows interest in the
class; offers
constructive ideas
Is generally accepting
of class work and
displays a positive
Often brings a
negative attitude to
class; complains
and/or goes off task
Participation Frequently offers
productive ideas;
works to support the
activity in class
Takes part in activities;
responds when called
Avoids taking part in
class activities; rarely
contributes to class
or contributes
Homework Work is always
completed; excellent
quality is produced;
evidence of home
study for exams
Completes work most
of the time to an
acceptable quality;
some evidence of
home study for exams
incomplete, showing
minimal effort; rare
evidence of home
study for exams
Responsibility Often shows initiative;
accepts feedback
willingly and takes
responsibility to
improve; always
present for due dates,
presentations, and
Occasionally shows
initiative; responds
appropriately to
feedback and makes
corrections as
directed; some
absenteeism for due
dates, scheduled
presentations, and
Rarely shows
initiative; responds
poorly to feedback;
avoids doing
remedial work;
frequently absent for
due dates,
presentations, and
* please note that it will be class policy that if you display satisfactory work habits in two of
more categories it will result in you receiving an S on your report card; if you display work
habits that need improvement in two or more categories you will receive an N on your report

If, by the end of the term, you have more than 3 MISSING assignments, I will be giving you an
I as your letter grade for the term, as I cannot accurately assess how you are doing in the
course. Once you have handed in missing assignments, I will change your mark to
accurately reflect your progress.

If an exam is missed:
a.) If it is because of an appointment or another legitimate reason where you
know you will be absent in advance, you MUST contact the teacher BEFORE
THE EXAM to make alternate arrangements.
b.) If you are sick on the day of the exam, have your parents phone the school
before 8:15 am to register your absence at the office. In addition, you must
bring a note on the DAY OF YOUR RETURN TO SCHOOL. Do not wait until the
beginning of your next scheduled class. You should always be prepared to
write a missed exam on the day you return to school.

Use common sense classroom behaviour. Raise your hand to speak, do not disrupt or
interrupt others, no mp3 players or iPods in class, and cell phones must be TURNED OFF.

Assigned textbooks are expected to be in class each day.

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