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Excellence in Educational (EiE)

St. Paul, MN. 55105

Dear Visitor to the Excellece i E!ucatio "EiE# $e%site&
'his e$ $e%site, o(ee! i )cto%er 201*, is a+aila%le to lear a%out EiE, the (ro(ose!
Miesota si,le (ur(ose authori-er .or Miesota charter schools. EiE is a 501 c3 or,ai-atio
as re,istere! $ith the /0S a! is also a o-( cor(oratio re,istere! $ith the state o.
Miesota. 'he EiE (ro(osal is co1(ose! o. three (arts "see ta% .or the 3 !ocu1ets#.
'he EiE a((licatio to authori-e charter schools $as su%1itte! o Se(t. 12
201* to the
Miesota De(t. o. E!ucatio "MDE#. EiE $ill recei+e a res(ose .ro1 MDE to the EiE (ro(osal
i 1i! to late No+e1%er 201*. 3 .ial !ecisio to allo$ or ot EiE to o(erate as a si,le (ur(ose
Miesota charter school authori-er $ithi the Miesota charter school statute 12*D.10 $ill
co1e to EiE .ro1 MDE i late Dece1%er 201*.
EiE 4oar! o. Directors is ho(e.ul that the (er1issio $ill %e ,rate!. 5e $ill %e rea!6 to o(erate
as a authori-e i11e!iatel6 u(o MDE a((ro+al. 7o$e+er, is shoul! %e ote! that there are
s(eci.ic ti1e lies .or actios %6 the authori-er $.r.t. e$ charter school a((licats a! charter
school tras.ers i la$ a! as !eter1ie! %6 the MDE. 5e $ill a%i!e %6 these ex(ectatios i our
o(eratios. 8oo9 to this $e%site .or otice o. sta!i, "MDE actio# to authori-e.
EiE has %e,u o(eratios i (re(aratio .or this i1(ortat $or9 to .acilitate throu,h the charter
school le,islatio i1(ro+e! aca!e1ic achie+e1et .or all (u%lic school stu!ets erolle! i the
schools $e $ill authori-e a! su%se:uetl6 1oitor. 'he $or9 is %ei, co!ucte! as o. )ct. 1,
201* %6 EiE throu,h ;auar6 1, 2015. 5or9 $ill (ri1aril6 i+ol+e a co1(ilatio o. %est (ractices
.ou! i charter schools $ith ,oal to research 1<3 "a((rox. 50# o. Miesota=s charter schools.
"see ta% .or !ocu1et u(loa!s 1othl6#. 'his i.or1atio ,athere! a! the school lea!ers $ho
$ill 1a9e the1sel+es a+aila%le as a resource to a((licats to EiE $ill su((ort oe o. EiE
ecoura,e1ets > that o. re(licatio o. %est (ractices lea!i, to aca!e1ic achie+e1et iclu!e!
i the (las .or all to those $ho 1a6 $ish to re:uest cosi!eratio %6 EiE .or authori-atio.
5e are a+aila%le %6 (hoe 651-260-3782 "executi+e !irector< (hoe#
a! %6 e-1ail&
ste(he!ess?eie1iesota.or, Executi+e Director
!a+ecora!?eie1iesota.or, @hair, 4oar! o. Directors
%ec961e6er?eie1iesota.or, @hair, 3!+isor6 @o11ittee
) %ehal. o. the 4oar! o. Directors
Ste+e Dess, exec. !ir.

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