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Fact sheets about specifc American Indian tribes

The Abenaki Indians have been native New Englanders for thousands of
but are still looking for recognition from their neighbors
The Native Americans who gave their name to the state of Alabama, the
Alabamas have merged
politically with their allies the !oushattas
#ften confused with other American Indian tribes known as $Algon"uians,$
the Algon"uins
live in the modern #ntario%&uebec area of !anada
'elatives of the Nava(os, the Apache Indians are best)known for their
ferce military resistance against
the *e+icans and Americans, under the leadership of warriors like
,eronimo and !ochise
#riginal people of northern Florida, the Apalachee Indians were driven
west and
their descendants live in -ouisiana today
The Arapaho Indians were originally farming people, but once horses were
to the Americas, they began to follow the bu.alo herds like the !heyenne
and /iou+
0evastated by epidemics, the Arikara tribe has merged with their
neighbors the *andans and 1idatsas
'elatives of the /iou+ tribes, the Assiniboines were known as big game
hunters and e+pert traders
An American Indian tribe of the ,ulf !oast, the Atakapas are known today
for their contributions to 2ydeco music
The Atikamekw are a small, traditional Native American tribe that still
speaks their native language
and lives o. the land
The 3eothuks or $'ed Indians$ were the original inhabitants of
Newfoundland, !anada
Tragically, they died out in the 45667s
Four tribes make up this powerful 8lains Indian nation9 the 3lackfoot
:3lackfeet; in
*ontana and the /iksika, 8iikani, and <ainai in !anada
Native Americans of Te+as and the /outhern 8lains, the !addo Indians
farming people known for their pottery art
/o)called $*ission Indians,$ the !ahuilla Indians are desert people of
/outhern !alifornia
Although the !alusa Indians of southern Florida were not agricultural
people, they built
technologically advanced cities with windbreaks, seawalls, piers, and
canal systems
The !atawba were one of the few southeastern Indian tribes not deported
to #klahoma,
and they have preserved their native pottery)making traditions among
other customs
*embers of the powerful Iro"uois !onfederacy, the !ayuga tribe are
Native Americans
of upstate New =ork
#riginally an o.shoot of the 8aiute Indian culture, the !hemehuevis are
native people of southern !alifornia
#riginal people of the American /outheast, most !herokees were forcibly
deported to
#klahoma along the infamous Trail of Tears
8lains Indians who depended on the bu.alo for survival, the !heyennes
have survived
several American massacres
The !hickasaws were one of several /outheast Indian tribes forced to
move to #klahoma
along the Trail of Tears
A Native American tribe of the 8acifc Northwest, the !hinook Indians were
well)known as e+pert traders
Also known as the #(ibway, #(ibwe, or #(ibwe, the !hippewa tribe are one
of the largest
and most powerful nations
Native Indians of southern !alifornia, the !humash were fshing people
for their unusual plank canoes
0espite losing their homes in the infamous Trail of Tears, the !hoctaw
Indians gave what
they had to help Irish famine victims in the 45667s, and are still admired
by Irish people today
The !ocopa or !ocopah Indians are native people of the /onoran desert
!oeur d7Alene
American Indians of the ,reat 8lateau, the !oeur d7Alenes were master
fshermen and traders
<infolk of the /hoshone, the !omanche Indians split o. from the
/hoshones long ago and
migrated to the /outhern 8lains
Also known as the <oasatis, the !oushattas have merged politically with
their allies
the Alabamas
Also known as the *uskogees, the !reeks were one of the most important
tribes of the
American southeast, but most of them were forced to relocate to
#klahoma in the 45667s
The !ree are one of the largest native groups in North America and have
had a ma(or impact
on !anadian history
The !row are a northern 8lains tribe, famous for their e+pert
horsemanship and especially long hair
#ne of several !alifornia tribes known as $*ission Indians,$ the !upeno
people made >our and bread from acorns
The 0akota tribe are one of the largest and best)known Native American
nations of the ,reat 8lains
,ros ?entres
The ,ros ?entre were kinfolk of the Arapaho, and called themselves
A7aninin, the @hite !lay 8eople
Native Americans of the Northwest !oast, the 1aida tribe is known for
their huge seafaring canoes
The 1avasupai tribe are original people of the ,rand !anyon region
0evastated by epidemics, the 1idatsa tribe has merged with their
neighbors the *andans and Arikaras
Anlike other /iouan tribes, the 1ochunks never gave up their farming
villages in favor of a migratory life
<nown as the 8eaceful 8eople, the 1opi Indians were e+pert farmers and
Also known as the @alapais, the 1ualapais are original people of the
,rand !anyon area
The @yandots, who lived on both sides of the modern A/)!anadian
border, were an important trading tribe
The state of Illinois was named after the Illini Indians, who were nearly
wiped out by war in the 4B667s
The *ontagnais and Naskapi have di.erent tribal names but consider
themselves part of the same
Native American culture, the Innu
Together with their cousins the #toe and *issouri Native Americans, the
Ioways are 8lains Indians
who once hunted the great bu.alo herds
The powerful Iro"uois !onfederacy was known for their war prowess, but
also for their government, which
was one of the e+amples of representative democracy used as a model by
America7s founding fathers
<ansas :<aws;
The <ansa Indians are the tribe after whom the state of <ansas was
Fiercely independant, many <ickapoo people >ed all the way to *e+ico
rather than surrender to
the Americans
8lains Indian people, the <iowa migrated fre"uently to follow the bu.alo
herds they depended on
Native Americans of the 8acifc Northwest, the <wakiutl tribe is known for
their tall totem poles
The -akota tribe are one of the largest and best)known Native American
nations of the ,reat 8lains
-enni -enape
The -enape or 0elawares are considered by many Indians to be the eldest
Algon"uian tribe
/o)called $*ission Indians,$ the -uiseno tribe made >our and bread from
The -umbees are the descendants of the !arolina Indians who helped the
'oanoake !olony
Native Americans of the 8acifc Northwest, the *akah Indians were well)
known as e+pert whalers
The *aliseet people are original residents of the !anadian *aritimes They
are renowned
for their beadwork and artistry
The *andans were primarily farming people, but like other 8lains tribes,
followed the bu.alo
herds on seasonal hunts
American Indians of the /outhwest deserts, the *aricopas were
agricultural people known for their
elaborate tattoos
#riginal people of @isconsin, the *enominee tribe is named after their
staple food, wild rice
The *iami Indians lived not in Florida, but in the *idwest9 Indiana, Illinois
and #hio
#ne of the tribes that made up the powerful /eminole alliance, the
*iccosukees were
original people of southern ,eorgia and northern Florida, but retreated
into the Everglades
when the Americans attacked them
The *icmac :or *i7kma"; people still live in their original homeland in
Nova /cotia today,
where they are fghting for the right to fsh and hunt as their ancestors
used to
Together with their cousins the Ioway and #toe Native Americans, the
*issouria are 8lains Indians
who once hunted the great bu.alo herds
American Indians of the /outhwestern desert, the *o(aves were farming
people known for their
elaborate tattoos
*embers of the powerful Iro"uois !onfederacy, the *ohawk tribe are
Native Americans
of upstate New =ork
Fre"uently confused with the *ohicans due to a poorly)researched literary
classic, the *ohegan
people consist of many originally independent tribes including the 8e"uots
and *ontauks
Fre"uently confused with the *ohegans due to a poorly)researched
literary classic, the *ohican
tribe was not driven to e+tinction, merely e+iled to @isconsin
#ne of many small tribes of Algon"uian Native Indians from southern New
The *unsee people were original inhabitants of -ong Island and New =ork
/tate, but were
driven to @isconsin and #ntario by colonial e+pansion
The Nanticoke people were known for their sympathy to escaped slaves,
many of whom they sheltered
#ne of many small tribes of Algon"uian Native Americans from southern
New England
The largest nation of Native Americans in the Anited /tates, famous for
their beautiful rugs
and their intricate language which was used as a code in @orld @ar II
Ne2 8erce
The Ne2 8erce were originally a fshing culture, but once they ac"uired
horses, they began
following the bu.alo herds
#ne of many small tribes of Algon"uian Native Americans from southern
New England
#ne of many small tribes of Algon"uian Native Americans from southern
New England
Interior /alish people, the #kanagans were salmon fshermen and traders
The #mahas are 8lains Indians of the prairie, who once relied on the
bu.alo herds for food
*embers of the powerful Iro"uois !onfederacy, the #neida tribe are
Native Americans of upstate
New =ork
*embers of the powerful Iro"uois !onfederacy, the #nondaga are Native
American Indians of upstate
New =ork
The #sage are 8lains Indians of the prairie, known for their intricate tribal
:which only distinguished warriors and their female relatives could wear;
Together with their cousins the Ioway and *issouri Native Americans, the
#toe are 8lains Indians
who once hunted the great bu.alo herds
The native nation !anada7s capital city was named for, the #ttawas are
kinfolk of the #(ibways
Native people of the American /outhwest, the 8apago tribe is famous for
their beautiful basket art
The 8assama"uoddy people are original residents of *aine, where they
still live today
The 8awnee Indians were known as scouts and allies of the Americans
The 8enobscot people are original residents of *aine, where they still live
#ne of many small tribes of Algon"uian Native Americans from southern
New England
Native people of *e+ico and the American /outhwest, the 8ima tribe is
famous for their beautiful basket art
A subtribe of the *ohican American Indians, the 8ocumtuc tribe had
distinct leadership and
a uni"ue history
The 8oncas are 8lains Indians of the prairie, who once relied on the bu.alo
herds for food
The 8otawatomi were traditionally the fre)keepers in the powerful Three
Fires alliance of Indians
The 8owhatan !onfederacy is most famous for being the tribe of the real
but they were also a powerful empire controlling most of ?irginia
Named after their sophisticated adobe housing comple+es, the 8ueblo
Indians are native people of New *e+ico
The &uapaw Indian tribe were better)known to white Americans as the
and that7s where the name of the state Arkansas came from
Also known as the =uma, the &uechans are an American Indian culture
known for their artistic beadwork and basketry
The real &uileute Indians are not werewolves, but they do consider wolves
their tribal ancestors
/ac and Fo+
These two Native Indian tribes allied in the 4B667s, when the /ac
protected their kinfolk the Fo+
from a French attempt to wipe them out *any still live together today
The /eminole Nation was originally a confederation of several di.erent
American Indian cultures of
the /outheast, and were also in>uenced by the many escaped African
slaves who (oined them for
protection Today the /eminoles are a united tribe
*embers of the powerful Iro"uois !onfederacy, the /eneca are Native
American Indians of
upstate New =ork
The nomadic /hawnee tribe had settlements from New =ork /tate to
,eorgia, but were
re(oined into one tribe when the A/ government deported them to
#klahoma together
#ne of many small tribes of Algon"uian Native Americans from southern
New England
The /hoshone tribe ranged across a vast territory in the west, and
di.erent bands
had di.erent traditional lifestyles
The /iou+ Indians, who call themselves $-akota$ or $0akota,$ are one of
the largest and
best)known Native American tribes of the ,reat 8lains
American Indians of the Northwest !oast, the Tlingit tribe is known for
their intricate cedar)bark weavings
Also known as ,abrielinos, the Tongva are American Native people who
made >our and bread from acorns
The Tonkawa were originally Native American Indians of Te+as, but were
forced to move
to #klahoma along with many other Te+as Indians
#riginally from the American /outheast, the Tuscaroras moved north after
the 3ritish took over
to (oin the powerful Iro"uois !onfederacy
The Ate Indians are Native Americans of the ,reat 3asin area between the
*ountains and the /ierra Nevada
The @abanaki !onfederacy was a powerful alliance of east)coast American
The Native Americans who shared in the frst Thanksgiving feast, the
@ampanoag tribe
met a sad fate at the hands of the English
A subtribe of the *ohican American Indians, the @appinger tribe had
distinct leadership and
a uni"ue history
The @ichita were originally Native Americans of Te+as, but were forced to
to #klahoma along with many other Te+as Indians
The @iyots are northern !alifornia Indians who were tragically massacred
during the ,old 'ush era
#nly a few @iyot descendants remain today, merged with =urok and 1upa
Native Americans of the ,reat 8lateau, the =akamas were master
fshermen and traders
#riginal people of *e+ico, many =a"ui Indians >ed to what is now Ari2ona
after attacks by early
*e+ican colonists
Allies of the Apache, the =avapai Indian people were known as strong
Though the A/ government considers the =uchi people part of the !reek
tribe, they have always
been politically independent of the !reeks and have a uni"ue culture all
their own
<infolk of the @iyot, the two peoples have nearly merged after ethnic
violence against them in the 45667s
American Indians of New *e+ico, the Cunis speak a di.erent language and
have some di.erent
customs than the other 8ueblos

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