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Native Americans

The frst evidence showing indigenous people to inhabit North America

indicates that they migrated there from Siberia over 11,000 years ago. ore
than li!ely, they crossed the "ering #and "ridge, which was in e$istence
during the %ce Age. After that time period, several large waves of migration
too! place, including many groups of people from Asia and South America.

&enerally, the Native Americans lived in peace and prosper until around the
1'th century when (uropeans frst arrived on the shores of North America. At
that time, horses were brought over, which began to spread disease among
the natives. Since they had no immunity to these strange diseases,
thousands began to die from things such as measles and chic!en po$. %n
addition, the (uropeans began to ta!e over the land and set up farms and
homes there.
)hile at one point in time, Native Americans were a very populous group of
people, today they only account for 1.* percent of the +nited States
population. ost of those who claim to be Native American live on designated
%ndian reservations. The symbol of Native Americans is used in many national
sports teams as a mascot. This has been a large center of controversy over
the last few decades. %t has been noted that the suicide rate among Native
Americans is the highest in the country. any Native Americans continue to
ta!e pride in their ancestral traditions, still practicing the music, art, and
ceremonies that too! place many years ago. %n ,00*, a museum was opened
in )ashington, -... paying tribute to their heritage. The museum is called the
National useum of the American %ndian, and is part of the Smithsonian
family of museums. The museum contains over /00,000 ob0ects and artifacts
and over 1,',000 images representing the life and culture of Native

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