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Sublime Text 2 Keyboard Shortcuts Windows Cheat Sheet

by njovin via

Keypress Command
Ctrl + Shift + P Command pallette
Ctrl + / Toggle comment
Ctrl + Shift + / Toggle block comment
Ctrl + Space Show completions
File Navigation
Ctrl + P Goto Anything
Ctrl + G Goto Line
Ctrl + R Goto symbol (function name,
table, etc.)
Ctrl + Pageup/Pa
Goto next/prev file
Ctrl + K, C Goto current selection
Ctrl + Up/Down Scroll up/down one line (doesn't
move cursor)
Ctrl + F2 Set Bookmark
Alt + Ctrl + P Switch Project
Ctrl+Shift + F2 Clear all bookmarks
F2 Goto next bookmark
View/Window Manipulation
Ctrl + ` Show/Hide Console
Ctrl + K, B Show/Hide Sidebar
F11 Fullscreen
Shift + F11 Distraction-free mode
Alt + Shift + 2/3/4 Set 2, 3, or 4 column layout
Alt + Shift + 8/9 Set 2 or 3 Row layout
Alt + Shift + 5 Set 4-pane grid layout
Alt + Shift + 1 Set single-pane layout
Ctrl + 1/2/3/4 Set focused group/pane
Ctrl + Shift 1/2/3/4 Move current tab/file to pane
Ctrl + F Find
F3 Find Next
Ctrl + F3 Find previous
Ctrl + I Incremental find
Ctrl + H Replace
Ctrl + Shift + H Replace next
Ctrl + F3 Quick Find (find current word)
Alt + F3 Quick find all
Ctrl + E Use selection for find
Ctrl + Shift + E Use selection for replace
Ctrl + Shift + F Find in files
F4 Next result (find in files)
Shift + F4 Previous result (find in files)
Ctrl + [ / ] Fold/expand
Ctrl + K, J Unfold all
Ctrl + K, 1 Fold all
Ctrl + 2-9 Fold level X
Ctrl K, T Fold tag attributes
Ctrl + K, Space Set mark
Ctrl + K, A Select to mark
Ctrl + K, W Delete to mark
Ctrl + K, X Swap with mark
Ctrl + K, Y Yank
Word Manipulation
Ctrl + Delete/Ba
Delete word forward/backward
Ctrl + K, K Delete to end of line
Ctrl + K,
Delete to beginning of line
Ctrl + T Transpose (switch characters
surrounding cursor)
Alt + . Close Tag
Ctrl + K, U/L Convert to upper/lower case
Line Manipulation
Ctrl + ], [ Indent/outdent
Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down Swap Line Up/Down
Ctrl + Shift + D Duplicate Line
Ctrl + Shift + K Delete line
Ctrl + J Join Lines
Ctrl + X Cut Line
Ctrl + V Paste cut/copied line above
Ctrl + Enter Insert line after
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Insert Line Before
F9 Sort Lines
Ctrl + F9 Sort lines (case-sensitive)
Ctrl + D Quick select (repeat to add next)
Ctrl + U Undo quick select
Ctrl + K, D Skip and quick add next
Ctrl + Shift +
Split into lines (adds cursor to each
line of current selection)
Alt + Ctrl +
Add previous/next line
Ctrl + L Expand selection to line
Ctrl + Shift +
Expand selection to scope
Ctrl + Shift +
Expand selection to brackets
Ctrl + Shift +
Expand selection to indentation
Ctrl + Shift +
Expand selection to tag
Cheat Sheet
This cheat sheet was published on 27th March, 2013
and was last updated on 27th March, 2013.
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