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Metropolitan Water District vs.

Aurelio Reyes
February 26, 1943
Ponente: Ozaeta, J.
MWD obtained a oney !ud"ent a"ainst #iriaca #$an. %y &irtue o' a (rit o'
e)ecution, t$e s$eri* attac$ed t$e interest o' #$an in t$e +and ,-#- .o. 4/1601. -$e
attac$ent (as annotated at t$e bac2 o' t$e tit+e. MWD (as t$e $i"$est bidder
($en t$e +and (as so+d in a 3ub+ic auction. -$e sa+e 3roceeded des3ite t$ird 3arty
c+ai by 4ure+io 5eyes ($o (as c+aiin" o(ners$i3 o&er t$e +and.
Pre&ious to t$e attac$ent, t$e city treasurer conducted a ta) sa+e o' t$e said
3ro3erty. 4ure+io 5eyes bou"$t t$e 3ro3erty in t$e 3ub+ic auction. -$e certi6cate o'
sa+e (as initia++y not re"istered. 7t (as on+y on .o&eber 3, 1938 t$at t$e sa+e (as
re"istered and a ne( -#- (as issued under t$e nae o' 5eyes.
W$et$er t$e -#- under t$e nae o' 5eyes can be cance++ed by reason o'
attac$ent by MWD.
.o. -a) sa+e ust be re"istered to "i&e it bindin" e*ect as a"ainst t$ird 3ersons.
-$e de+ayed re"istration o' t$e sa+e to 5eyes, ade t$e attac$ent &a+id. 4+t$ou"$
&a+id, it (as subordinate to t$e ta) +ien. W$en t$e ta) sa+e (as re"istered on
.o&eber 3, 1938, MWD, ($ic$ $e+d a subordinate +ien, cou+d and s$ou+d $a&e
redeeed t$e 3ro3erty (it$in one year 'ro date ,:ec. 2499 5e&ised 4dinistrati&e
#ode1. .ot $a&in" done so, t$e atte3t to 'orec+ose t$e encubrance (as rendered
nu"atory. 7t cou+d $a&e 6+ed a t$ird 3arty c+ai be'ore .o&eber 3, 1938 to redee
t$e 3ro3erty 'ro ta) sa+e.

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