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This is a video fom !amescom "#$% of a ece&t'y e'eased tit'e ca''ed (esti&y.
The comme&tato ta')s about what you shou'd e*pect fom the +&a' !ame a&d
demo&states the socia' aspect of the !ame by ta)i&! you thou!h a coup'e
di,ee&t sce&aios. - wou'd be usi&! this video to show how di,ee&t the !ame
was at e'ease tha& it was whe& tyi&! to achieve pe.odes. -/m &ot e*pecti&!
the !ame to &ot cha&!e ove the couse of a yea - am 0ust tyi&! to poi&t out that
some of the featues peop'e wou'd have bou!ht the !ame fo wee missi&! i& the
+&a' e'ease."23eb*'4o
This video is of a !ame ca''ed 5'ie&s: co'o&ia' mai&es a&d the di,ee&ce betwee&
what customes wee show& at 6% at what they wee !ive& at e'ease. This video
has diect compaiso&s of visua's a&d it is much c'eae i& showi&! the
di,ee&ces. - am !oi&! to use this much 'i)e the +st souce i& showi&! how
deve'opes ca& mis'ead customes so that they peode the !ame. This is a'so
bac)i&! up the +st souce a&d showi&! that it is &ot a& iso'ated issue. - wi'' a'so
use it to show how a deve'opme&t studio ca& 'ose suppot fom the commu&ity
a&d ae 'ess 'i)e'y to be tusted i& the futue.
This atic'e dea's with a decisio& made by the 5dvetisi&! sta&dads 5uthoity o&
a !ame ca''ed (u&!eo& Keepe pub'ished by 6'ecto&ic 5ts. The 585 fou&d that
a& ad made by 65 was mis'eadi&!9 whe& advetisi&! the !ame they wee showi&!
of pats that you cou'd o&'y !et afte payi&!. The 585 stated :-f ma)eti&!
mateia' descibes a& app as /fee/9 the ad shou'd e;ect the e*peie&ce of the
&o&.payi&! p'aye a&d the !amep'ay e*peie&ce shou'd &ot be /e*cessive'y
esticted/.<. This shows that eve& the !e&e of the !ame ca& be used to
ma&ipu'ate co&sumes i& !etti&! the !ame9 which is how - wou'd use this i& my

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