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Unit name: Whats for lunch?

Curriculum Organiser: Design and Technology

Duration: 3-4 weeks
Band of Development: Later childhood
Year level: year 3
Unit Description
Students investigate healthy foods, food preparation and a friends food preferences They design
and produce a lunch, using appropriate tools, resources and safe food handling practices !inally
they evaluate the success of their product
Big Understandings
" #ow food is prepared
$ The different ways food can %e designed and presented
3 &ach individual person has different preferences when it co'es to food
Assessment Activities
Students will %e assessed on a range of activities throughout the unit These tasks will %e %ased
around these key areas:
!inding out a%out different lunch options
(nvestigating different %read types
(nvestigating different fillings) 'eat, vegeta%le, dairy, condi'ents
*elating this infor'ation to their friends preferences
+hat sort of lunch will students 'ake
(dentify what products will %e used
Drawing pictures of how they would like the finished product to look
(dentify what utensils will %e used
(dentify how to keep food clean and healthy
(dentify how to work safely
(dentify the steps involved to 'ake the lunch using drawings
#ow successful was the final product
Self-reflection of what worked and what didnt
,eer evaluation fro' friend on presentation and taste
Australian Curriculum Year " Design and #echnologies
Design and Technologies: Knowledge and Understanding
*ecognise the role of people in design and technologies occupations and e-plore factors,
including sustaina%ility that i'pact on the design of products, services and environ'ents
to 'eet co''unity needs ./0TD&12"23
(nvestigate how forces and the properties of 'aterials affect the %ehaviour of a product or
syste' ./0TD&12""3
(nvestigate the suita%ility of 'aterials, syste's, co'ponents, tools and e4uip'ent for a
range of purposes ./0TD&12"33
Design and Technologies Processes and Production Skills
0riti4ue needs or opportunities for designing and e-plore and test a variety of 'aterials,
co'ponents, tools and e4uip'ent and the techni4ues needed to produce designed
solutions ./0TD&,2"43
5enerate, develop, and co''unicate design ideas and decisions using appropriate
technical ter's and graphical representation techni4ues ./0TD&,2"63
Select and use 'aterials, co'ponents, tools and e4uip'ent using safe work practices to
'ake designed solutions ./0TD&,2"73
,lan a se4uence of production steps when 'aking designed solutions individually and
colla%oratively ./0TD&,2"83
Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding
*ecognise different types of data and e-plore how the sa'e data can %e represented in
different ways ./0TD(12283
Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills
0ollect, access and present different types of data using si'ple software to create
infor'ation and solve pro%le's ./0TD(,2293
+ork with others to plan the creation and co''unication of ideas and infor'ation safely,
applying agreed ethical and social protocols
Links to other Curriculum areas
$ealth and h%sical !ducation:
Personal, Social and Community Health
Identif% and practise strategies to promote health& safet% and 'ell(eing )AC*+",-
Descri(e strategies to ma.e the classroom and pla%ground health%& safe and active
spaces )AC*+/+-
Language variation and change:
Understand that languages have different 'ritten and visual communication s%stems&
different oral traditions and different 'a%s of constructing meaning )AC!0A1/23-
Language or interaction:
Understand that successful cooperation 'ith others depends on shared use of social
conventions& including patterns& and forms of address that var%
according to the degree of formalit% in social situations )AC!0A1/2,-
0earning !5perience and *e6uence:
Students will learn a%out nutrition and identify a healthy and %alanced diet using the five
food groups
Students will learn a%out hygiene and the procedures involved for safe food preparation
Students will learn how to use a survey to find out infor'ation fro' their partner in order to
co'plete the task
Students will learn techni4ues for co''unicating results through drawings using la%elled
diagra's of their design
Students will learn a%out risk assess'ent and safety This will involve correct processes for
using knives, graters, :affle 'akers and toasters in a safe 'anner
Students will evaluate %y asking 4uestions a%out the processes and the finished product

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