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Character Profile 1

Name: Callum Endean

Age: 17

Features: Dark blonde short hair, olive skin, green eyes

Height: 60

Character Name/Role/Age: Daniel, Boyfriend, 22

Brief information: Callum is an easy going, yet slightly reserved
character, who is a fairly emotional character. He is slightly lazy
at times, except very motivated when set on completing specific
tasks. Callum loves relaxing at home, spending majority of his
time on the play station. Callum loves the colours black and
white, having a simpler and casual fashion style. The character of
Jay goes against the typical expectations of a male as he is rather
expressive within the short film.

Representation: Throughout my production, Daniel, Emilys boyfriend, will be represented as an
emotional character, whilst being introduced in the scene laying on his bed gazing at the ceiling. He
will be positioned on his bed particularly, to illustrate his affectionate characteristics as well as
supporting the change in female representation in contemporary film. Callums appearance
provides a stereotypical view as he is perceived as more of a player type, whilst portraying the
complete opposite in my production.

Film/Character influences: The vow is a film that influenced my choice of character majorly. This is
because, midway through the film, the main male protagonist mentions to the female he is in love
with ive been driving myself insane, making a complete ass of myself, literally, trying everything
possible to save everything we have. His spoken dialogue doesnt conform to the typical male
stereotype as he shows a fair amount of concern towards their relationship as well as strong
emotions which is similar to the representation I wanted to provide my character with for my short

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