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Windrixville Times

Daily News and Articles - Since 1932 10/16/1966
From Hoods to Heroes By: Steven Li (Editor)

^Church in which the incident

October 14, 1966, exactly 2:02 p.m.
The three young heroes, Ponyboy
Curtis, Johnny Cade, and Dallas
Winston, are currently in the
hospital after their audacious acts.
The three, without hesitation,
bolted into the church fire, risking
their lives for the lives of five

The kindergarteners along with
their teachers were just having a
tranquil picnic on top of Jay
Mountain, when an unexpected fire
caught the abandoned church. We
were having a school picnic up
here and the first thing we knew,
the place was burning up., said
Jerry Woods, a teacher. Curtis and
Cade rushed to the
scene just in time to hear of the
kids trapped inside.
Instantaneously, the two went into
the fire.

I was so relieved to see the men
go in to save my darlings,
exclaimed Sammy, a teacher, They
were such noble heroes.

As Curtis and Cade rescued the last
of the kids, the ruined church
started to collapse. Cade managed
to shove Curtis away as a piece of
the charred church roof
plummeted towards Cade. Dallas
Winston, a friend of theirs, came in
a flash to get Cade out of the
scorching fire. Witnesses quickly
called an ambulance, and
firefighters to take care of the
scene. A couple minutes later, the
three were escorted to the hospital
by the ambulance.

Results showed that Curtis was
okay, with minor burns and
bruises. Winston was left with a
badly burned arm. Cade, however,
was unconscious, and in critical
condition. He was left with a
broken back, and severe burns.
Police investigations later showed
that the boys were greasers
(hoods) and were involved with
the death of Bob Sheldon in Tulsa,
Oklahoma. Despite this, they had
become heroes, saving the lives
and futures of five young children.

The teachers of the children called
the boys The bravest kids,
Angels sent from Heaven, and
Professional heroes. Im very
grateful that my son was saved by
these heroes, said Christine, the
mother of Tim, I dont know what
I wouldve done if I had lost him.
The three are being mentioned all
over Oklahoma, receiving praises,
and admiration all over.

More information has yet to come,
as investigation is still in progress.
Investigators are still investigating
the cause of the fire. As for now,
the boys are recovering from their
heroic deeds.

Death of Bob Sheldon:
On the 9th of October, Bob Sheldon
was found lying on the tainted red
grass of Oak Park. Witnesses say
Curtis and Cade were
responsible pg. 4

Street Fight on Spring Street:
Witnesses report hearing ruckus
coming from the street at around
11:00 p.m, on October 15. They
described the scene as a street
fight, and a rumble between
pg. 10

Hinton, S.E. The Outsiders. New York; Penguin Group, 1967. Print.

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