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Indiana Department of Education

Guidance Lesson Plan Template

School Corporation: Indianapolis Public Schools
School Name: William A ell Elementar! School "#$ %utler Lab School&
Contact: randie 'li(er) Site Super(isor
Indiana Student Standards for Guidance Addressed
Standard%s& addressed:
Instructional De(elopment
Grade Le(el%s&: +
, -rd
Title: Gettin. Alon.
/sin. the boo0 1The Cra!on o2 that Tal0ed3 as a bac0drop 4e 4ill
discuss 4hat it means to be uni5ue
Time 6rame: -$ 7 -8 minutes
1. Introduction - Open a box of crayons, grab a handful and lay them on the
2. Ask the students the following
ow these crayons are different!
ow the crayons are the same!
o "o the same thing
o All generali#ed as crayons
o All go back in the same box when finished
$. %ead the story, &'he (rayon )ox 'hat 'alked& by *hane "e%olf.
+. "iscussion,
-hy do you think the girl bought the box of crayons!
-hy did she lay them all out on her bed!
o *o they all could see she used each one the same
-hat did the crayons learn in the end!
o .ach is uni/ue and has a special purpose
-hat does it mean to be uni/ue!
(an someone help it if they look different!
ow are you all different!
ow are you the same!
0ust like the crayon box, when you guys are all together the class is
1. 'alk about the career lesson and how each person said it was important
to be able to communicate. 'hat doesn2t mean say mean things to each
other. 'hey ha3e to be professional and be nice and polite when they are
at work.
%emember what 4rs. said 5 6*chool is your 7ob8
'hat means you are working now and should nice and polite to your co-
workers 9classmates:
Also remember 4rs. *kinner2s motto 6Is this hurtful or helpful!8 'his
applies when you are talking to someone or about someone. If it is not
helpful, keep it to yourself.

;. Acti3ity, 4ake a pu##le as a class. <se pre-bought pu##le pieces. =i3e
each student a piece of the pu##le to decorate with crayons> markers-
howe3er they would like. 'he teachers also encouraged to also make a
?. Conclusion: -hen e3eryone is finished tape all of the pieces together.
a. .ach person@s uni/ue pu##le piece came together to create this
beautiful class pu##leA
b. Bo two pu##le pieces are alike, 7ust like no two friends are alike.

9o4 4ill master! of the
.uidance indicator%s& be
Learnin. ;esources
;esources needed:
e<.<) technolo.! resources)
media resources) boo0s)
4eb sites
lan0 Pu**le Pieces
Cra!ons, =ar0ers
>ou ma! include
cop!ri.hted materials in
?resources needed)@ but do
not reproduce cop!ri.hted
materials in !our lesson
plan< NonAcop!ri.hted
materials need to be
reproduced and included
4ith !our lesson plan< Cite
sources here<
e<.<) ad(isor!
teachers) other
teachers) communit!
resource people
Contact information (optional)
EA=ail: ahassin.Bbutler<edu

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