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Goal 5: Create and maintain well-managed classrooms that foster students'

physical, cognitive, emotional, and social well-being.

Reflection: I watched the Power Teaching Teacher Tube Video. I learned the
techniques listed below. I am familiar with Class/ Class and it is one of the attention
getters I use in my classroom already. I was lucky enough to work with a master
teacher during student teaching who used class/class and I use it still. She also used
the teach OK and at the time I didnt realize it came form the same video until I just
watched it. I dont use the teach ok, but do partner share. While partners are sharing
I do walk around and check on their comprehension as the video mentioned. I
havent tried the scoreboard idea, but I might give it a try and see how it works.
Currently my students clip up or down based on classroom behavior, but I could try
a whole class incentive as the video mention. I think all of these behavior
management strategies are a positive way to keep structure in the classroom.

Teacher Tube- Power teaching

Class Class/Yes Yes Classity Class/Yesity Yes


3 Scoreboards:
More HW/ Less HW
Extra Credit/Dextra credit

When you get it Ill give you a mark in extra credit you are doing right
When I give you a mark in the dextra credit you are doing it wrong

Micro lecture-teacher speaks briefly- so teacher doesnt talk so much and students
are board

Hands and eyes- students repeat and give you their attention- use when we have a
really big point

Comprehension check- while students are teaching teacher walks around to listen
and check for comprehension

High energy-extra credit/low energy dextta credit

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