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Aha Moment is

When youre reading and suddenly a

character realizes, understands, or
finally figures something out.
When you notice this, you should
STOP and ask yourself:
How might this change things?
What might the character do
If the character figured out a problem,
you probably ust learned about the
conflict. If the character understood
a life lesson, you probably ust learned
the theme.
Text Clues:
"I suddenly realized that#$
"%t that moment, I finally understood#$
&his can also look like a "'ontrast ( 'ontradiction,$ if the character is
suddenly thinking or doing differently than how he)she was
thinking)acting before.
Helpful Sentence Starters:
&his might change things because#
*ow that the character knows this, he)she might#
&his shows the theme of the book because#

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