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Course Code: BTM 802 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
The aim of the course is to provide the students with the understanding of the basic principles underlying the design, analysis, and
synthesis of robotic systems plus machine vision technology in automation. In particular, the course will start from simple problem in
transformations, kinematics and inverse kinematics, dynamics and control. Later in the semester more complex problems in sensing,
force control, mobile robots and robot programming will be discussed.

Course Contents:

Module I: kinematics analysis of robot
Matrix algebra or coordinate transformation, kinematics analysis; geometric and dynamic analysis of robot manipulators.

Module II: RobotControl
Robot Control, RobotVision, RobotControlled, CNNC, Pathplanning, Obstruction Avoidance

Module III: Material Handling
Computer aided Materials Management-inventory control, materials requirements planning. Computer Controlled parts handling and

Module IV: Automation protocol
Manufacturing Automation protocol, cross functional implementation Technology for system integration.

Examination Scheme:

Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE
Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70
CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att: Attendance

Text & References:

Raghuvanshi, Manufacturing Process.
P.N. Rao, Manufacturing Technology, TMH publications

Hazra-Chowdhary , Workshop Technology
R.K. Jain, Production Engineering

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