Biology-Q C C Q

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Jordan Alexander

Quote: It has been known for some time that those with a severe form of Huntingtons
disease or fragile X are likely to have children in whom the disease is worse or begins
earlier than it did in themselves. Anticipation means that the longer the repetition, the
longer it is likely to grow when copied for the next generation. (Genome: Ch 4, pg. 60)

Comment: These two sentences stuck with me because of how confusing they were at
first. I couldnt understand it because I had so many questions that were unanswered in
the paragraph. I chose this because of its own complexity. It talks about what can
happen in to genes in the next generation and what will happen if certain diseases are
passed down along with any genetic material tied to it.

Connection: Genes are ALWAYS being copied and multiplying. Even as we speak, our
own cells and genetic material are morphing and creating their own clones of
themselves to be able to be passed on to whomever gets them. I can connect this to
how everything is connected. You could have the same genetic material as somebody
else and not even know about it. Its strange to think that there are billions of cells that
carry your genetic material.

Is there any way that a cell could not pass on your genetic material?
Why do diseases get worse when passed down from generation to generation?
Is there a way NO genes could be passed down?
How do diseases get passed down along with your DNA?
How did the name DNA come to be?
How does DNA die?
Why does DNA die?
How long does it take for DNA to die?
Why does everyones DNA strands look the same, granted that were all

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