Submission Checklist

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Submission Checklist for Journal XYZ

For complete details, see the Journal XYZ Author Guidelines.

Before submitting your manuscript, check your submission for the following:
All coauthors are liste! an! correct email a!!resses pro"i!e!#
Names and emails of reviewers are specified, if the journal requires it.
Journal stle has !een followed accordin" to the journal#s Author Guidelines.
$ncommon acronms and words li%e &First' and &Novel' are avoided.
A!stract should not e(ceed )*+ words.
,eference citations should !e avoided.
A!!reviations and acronms, if an, are defined upon first usa"e.
-ewords are listed followin" the ./0 "raphic.
$able of Contents %raphic
A .a!le of 0ontents 1./02 Graphic 345F6 is provided if the journal requires it.
&ain $e't
7anuscript has !een prepared with the appropriate document template, if required.
,eferences adhere to correct journal stle, with journal a!!reviation accordin" to 0A 88 9,
proper punctuation and arran"ement, etc.
%raphics an! $ables
Fi"ures and ta!les have captions. Fi"ure insets, if an, are descri!ed in the caption.
Graphs have clearl la!eled a(es, le"ends, and data points.
.pe fonts are clear and le"i!le.
Supporting )nformation
8upportin" 9nformation 1892 for 4u!lication and 89 for ,eview /nl, if an, are uploaded as
separate :les and
not placed directl in the manuscript.
Journal *ublishing Agreement
.he 0orrespondin" Author is prepared to si"n the electronic Journal 4u!lishin" A"reement
durin" su!mission, or another author has completed and si"ned the appropriate form and
created a 45F or .9FF for uploadin" to A08 4ara"on 4lus durin" su!mission.
*ermission to (e+se *re"iously *ublishe! &aterial
;ritten permission has !een o!tained for all content and "raphics for which the authors or
A08 do not own copri"ht.

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