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Partners in mission with Middle Eastern churches
Dear Friends and Partners in Mission
inter is past; we are in a new season!! It is
summer time; it is time to have a lekker braai.
In Ecclesiastes 3 we read that there is a time for
everything. If we look at the Middle East we can see it is a
time to pray, like never before! It is a time to seek God. It is
a time to pray with the Christians of the Middle East. If we
look at the news and we see IS, the Islamic State, we need to
pray to God and ask for His will.
There are Christians in the Middle East who have lost everything!
We cant even imagen how they must feel. To cry out to
God and it doesnt seem as if He is answering. How do they
keep faith? If we look at the situation it does look hopeless!
But we know with God there is always hope. Can we give
them hope? Are we prepared to walk in their shoes? To
walk in someones shoes will cost us.
See people; not numbers
MECO South Africa
Sanet is back in the Middle East, so is Tanya. Let us not
forget to pray for them. Let us pray for them as they are
building relationships with people. Let us pray for fnances;
with the Rand exchange rate fnances are always under
pressure. Pray also for the offce fnances. Thank you for the
support that we get from faithful people. We trust God to
be able to meet our monthly needs in the running cost of the
offce. See our banking details at the foot of this letter.
Dinti, my lovely wife, is taking part in a soft toy project
together with mission minded friends. If you want to be part
of this project please send her or Adelle an email.
Continued on next page:
As you know, MECO South Africa is a faith-
based organization and we trust God for our
income, which He provides through partners
and friends. We need to see our general income
signifcantly increased. Please join us in prayer
for the provision. I wish to thank every person
who supports our work and our workers in
the Middle East through prayer and fnancial
provision as God leads
Here is our information:
Account Name: Middle East Christian
Outreach (MECO)
Bank: Standard Bank
Account Number: 275 784 193
Branch Code: 025 309
Ref: GF+Surname+Contact Number
(GF = General Funds or put a name if you
want to support a worker at MECO.
We need the contact info because we would
love to send you a thank you note.)
Contact Information:
Email: or
Telephone Number: 084 623 5962
I appreciate your involvement in missions.
Charl de Beer
National Representative, South Africa
Around 7000 Syrian children have
been killed during the ongoing Syrian
confict. 2 million have been displaced
inside Syria, which means they fed
their homes with nothing. More than
1.1 million children are refugees in
countries like Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt,
Turkey. Approximately 740 000 are
under the age of 11 years. These fgures
dont even include the thousands of
Iraqi children who have been scattered
all over the Middle East.
Children in general often need the
comfort of hugging or holding onto
someone or something when they
are afraid, hurt or alone. How much
more does a child traumatised by war,
bloodshed, severe abuse, separation
from loved ones and feeing from
everything that is known and precious,
need that for mere survival?
God sees. He wants to comfort the
little ones and is saying let the little
children come unto Me. Letting them
fend for themselves, is plainly playing
into the hands of destroyer of mankind.
God wants to use our arms to hug them
and our love to make Himself known
to them.
South Africans can reach out with Gods
comfort to refugee and displaced children
from Syria and Iraq by means of the
Give a huggable soft toy (approx.
30cm in length) and sponsor its airline
ticket (R20). This is the part where
South African children can make a
Go on an outreach (facilitated by one
of our partner organisations) where you
can personally hand out these soft toys
to children and pray for them.
Give fnancially to support
this project.
Pray for this project.
This project hopes to give South
Africans (especially children) the
opportunity to tangibly change the
future of thousands of refugee children.
We trust God to use the toys, the
physical arms of those who will go, and
the prayers of South African children
to make an eternal impact on the way
this hopeless (and fatherless) generation
views God, themselves, and others.
To partner with different
organisations already working
there and who are taking outreach
teams to these areas (like MECO South
Africa, OM, Macedonia project,
All Nations ect.)
To establish a feld coordinator in the
targeted countries and refugee camps
To gather quotes and costs from
airlines and transporting agencies
for taking the toys from the different
store rooms in South Africa to its fnal
destination in Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon,
etc. The R20 per toy should be enough
to cover packaging and transport.
To spread the vision by word
of mouth, social media and all
channels of communication to
schools, churches, etc.

If you want to be part of this project please let
us know by phoning or e-mailing us. If you want
to join us on a trip to the Middle East please let
us know. Sakkie is taking a team in December
2014 but we also want to start planning a trip for
February 2015.
If you want to support the soft toy project email
Dinti de Beer at or Adelle
at If you want to join
Sakkie and the team in December you have to
hurry but phone him at 082 878 6566 or email:
Partners in mission with Middle Eastern churches
Charl de Beer
MECO-South Africa Representative

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