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Uncaria stem (Gouteng)

Uncaria rhynchophylla (Miq.) Jacks. (Fam. Rubiaceae)

Pharmaceutical Name: Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis
Botanical Name: 1. Uncariarhynchophylla (Miq.) Jacks.; 2. Uncaria hirsuta Havil.; 3.
Uncaria sinensis (Oliv.) Havil; 4. Uncaria sessilifructus Rob.; !. Uncaria macrophylla
"all. (Fam. Rubiaceae)
Common Name: Uncaria s#em $i#% %ooks& 'ambir (lan#& )#ems an* #%orns.
Source of Earliest Record: Min+,i -ielu.
.ar# Use* / Me#%o* 0or .%armaceu#ical .re(ara#ions1 2%e uncaria s#ems $i#% %ooks
are +a#%ere* in s(rin+ or au#umn& *rie* in #%e sun an* cu# in#o (ieces.
.ro(er#ies / 2as#e1 )$ee# an* sli+%#l, col*.
Meridians: 3iver an* (ericar*ium.
Functions: 1. 2o elimina#e en*o+enous $in* an* s#o( s(asms; 2. 2o clear %ea# an*
(aci0, #%e liver.
ndications ! Com"inations:
1. Stirring up of the liver wind by excessive heat manifested as high fever, spasms
and convulsions. Uncaria s#em ('ou#en+) is use* $i#% 4n#elo(e5s %orn (3in+,an+6iao)&
7%r,san#%emum 0lo$er (Ju%ua) an* ',(sum ()%i+ao).
2. Deficient yin of the liver and kidneys and hyperactivity of liver yang or excessive
heat in the liver meridian manifested as diiness, vertigo, blurred vision and headache.
Uncaria s#em ('ou#en+) is use* $i#% )cu#ellaria roo# (Huan+qin)& .runella s(ike
(8iakucao)& )ea9ear s%ell ()%i6uemin+) an* 7%r,san#%emum 0lo$er (Ju%ua).
#osage: 1:91! +& *ecoc#e* in $a#er 0or an oral *ose. ;o# #o be *ecoc#e* 0or a lon+
Cautions ! Contraindications: 2%is %erb s%oul* no# be cooke* 0or a lon+ #ime.
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