Application Support Analyst JD

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Application Support Analyst/Application Support Engineer/ERP, SQL

Key Skills
Application Support - ideally ERP (1st & nd line!
E"cellent co##unication and organisational skills$
Energetic sel%-starter &it' can-do attitude a(le to &ork e)ecti*ely in a tea# and
on t'eir o&n
SQL ++,/++-/+1 script &riting
Kno&ledge o% 'o& (usiness syste#s are used in
#anu%acturing/distri(ution/ser*ice industry$
E"cellent analytical and pro(le# sol*ing skills
.ri*er &it' reasona(ly clean licence
/e are looking %or a skilled application Support Engineer to 0oin a tea# (ased in
1ort' 2ir#ing'a#$
3'e co#pany is a success%ul (usiness &it' an i#pressi*e client list in t'e
4anu%acturing and .istri(ution sectors in t'e 5K, Europe, 1ort' A#erica, 3'e
4iddle East, Asia and Australasia$
6ou &ill (e responsi(le %or t'e %ollo&ing7
8Application support o% ERP syste# at all le*els on a telep'one (ased 'elpdesk
84aintain e"cellent le*els o% custo#er ser*ice to end users
8Pro(le# sol*ing, data analysis and recti9cation
:andidates %or t'is role s'ould 'a*e t'e %ollo&ing skills7
E"cellent application support skills, supporting an ERP syste# - it &ould (e
ad*antageous i% you 'ad e"perience as (ot' a user o% t'e syste# and deli*ering
support to users$ 4icroso%t SQL script &riting ;isual Studio$1E3 Report .esigner
(desira(le!, 5se o% 4icroso%t <=ce (essential!
Located 1ort' 2ir#ing'a# - co##uta(le %ro# Sta)ords'ire, /alsall,
/ol*er'a#pton, Sutton :old9eld, 3a#&ort', Lic'9eld, Soli'ull, Rugeley and ot'er
parts o% t'e /est 4idlands$

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