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Task 1A Analysis of Music Magazine Front Cover 1 NME

The Masthead is in a bold

style font with a white
border around the edges,
this makes it stands out
which makes it easier for
the audience to notice.
They have used a colour
theme throughout which
is white, red and black.
The main image is a full body
long shot because the artist is
crouching down on the floor
so you are able to see the
whole of his body at this
angle. You cant see the whole
of his body because of the
way he is positioned, as he is
crouching so you wouldnt get
the same photo for example,
if he was standing up in a long
shot. He is looking directly at
the camera which suggests
direct address, as Dizzee is
looking directly at the
audience. He has a happy/
surprised/ excited facial
expression which would
attract the audience because
Dizzee comes across as a fun
person through his music that
he creates. He again is sticking
to the black, white and red
colour theme as he is wearing
a white vest with black jeans
and red and white trainers.
The background has street
art/ graffiti which is colourful
and you are able to see the
black and white squared floor
because of the angle of the
Main cover line anchors
the main image so that
anyone is able to see who
the artist is. The font is
also large and bold so the
audience will most likely
read that first because its
so big and stands out.
Also the font has a drop
shadow which makes it
look even bigger. The
caption underneath it
says Im spreading joy
around the world, man!
which suggests to the
target audience that he
either is on tour or has
been on one. This also
creates interest for the
Bar code, date/issue and
price is usually at the bottom
right corner of the magazine.
Its usually small so that it
doesnt take much space up
on the magazine cover.
The footer at the bottom of the
page is listing other music artists
that will fit into the magazine
genre. It had a white border
behind the writing so that they
stand out more and dont blend
into the colour of the black and
white floor. The magazine
associates with rock, alternative
and indie music so these sorts of
artists will be known by the
magazines target audience.
Left third tends to be
left free for key/main
content and sell lines.
Under the masthead it
says that there is news
about a Pavement
Reunion which could
attract the audience
because they might be
interested in what it is or
wants to know when the
event could take place.
The header is telling the targeted audience about
an autumn tour that will be starring the specific
artists, this could attract them and persuade them
more into buying it as they might want to go to this
concert and be a part of it. The artists that are
named might go well with the genre of the
magazine which is why they have put those specific
artists on the front page and not any others.

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