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Sarah Ghile

The Challenge
Time Period
Present day
Suburban London
Demographic Focus
Male/female aged 15-48
Jake is forced into a series of challenges that test his mental strength as well as his physical
endurance. The question is, will he overcome the challenges or will the challenge prove too much
for Jake?
Jake an 18 year young man living in the suburbs of London is chosen for a sick game of brutal torture
to the body and mind.
Jake has questionable morals in life, he has a tendency to manipulate and exploit everyone around
him for his own amusement. Jake takes to seeing life as one big game; he decides that his struggles
are nothing but a series of challenges. His unusual outlook on life can explain his manipulative
behaviour as hes ego leads him to believe that others around him are mere players of his game.
This twisted perceptive backfires hugely on Jake, as it sees him being the chosen participant for a
lesson like no other. The antagonist is someone who is trying to teach Jake a lesson, and so sets up a
series of torturous challenges for Jake that see him to being the player of the most barbaric games.
Jakes first challenge begins in a forest: having gone to sleep in the comfort of his home as he usually
would, Jake wakes outdoors in the middle of a forest. His clothes have been torn, and are filthy.
Beside him, the following items have been purposely placed by the antagonist: a chisel, a hammer,
an x ray, a phone and a mat that reads welcome. The phone begins to ring and Jake answers.
Youre someone who likes to set people challenges with vicious consequences. Youve had your
chance to change, but you refuse. In you penis is a capsule, you have 60 seconds to remove it or you
will be killed. Your time starts now. says the antagonist. Jake looks at the x-ray to see that it is an x-
ray of his penis that marks were the capsule is. Realising what he has to do, Jake picks up the chisel
and hammer, he hesitates while building up the courage to do it. This unfolds the start of the number
of horrible challenges that are to follow.
This unconventional tale of good vs. evil gives you an unforgettable experience through the eyes of
the tortured and the doomed as he battles through what seems like an endless, damned road. This
physiological and physical brutality will have you wincing and rigid with stupefaction. The mind
games will be test of Jakes physiology, but whether you think these challenges are a probable act of
karma or an erroneous doing of injustice, will prove a test of yours.

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