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the European Union with the necessary impetus for its development and to define the general political

guidelines thereof. See also Council of the European Union (EU Council)
European Currency Unit (ECU)
Prior to Stage Three of EMU the ECU was a !as"et currency made up of the sum of fi#ed amounts of $%
out of the then $& currencies of the EU Mem!er States. The value of the ECU was calculated as a weighted
average of the value of its component currencies. The ECU was replaced !y the euro on a one'for'one !asis
on $ (anuary $))).
European Economic Area (EEA)
* free'trade area encompassing EU Mem!er States and +celand ,iechtenstein and -orway.
European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism (EFSM)
*n EU facility !ased on *rticle $%%(%) of the Treaty that allows the Commission to raise up to ./0 !illion on
!ehalf of the EU for lending to EU Mem!er States e#periencing or !eing threatened with e#ceptional
circumstances !eyond their control.

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