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Strobe lights Can set a person with epilepsy into a

Staring spells
Violent shaking
Loss of alertness
Symptoms may differ upon different
seizures. The different kind of
seizures include:
Absence seizure
Generalized Tonic-Clonic
Partial seizure

What is it?
1. A neurological disorder
marked by sudden recurrent
episodes of sensory
disturbance, loss of
consciousness, or
convulsions, associated with
abnormal electrical activity in
the brain. Due to having this
disorder, many peoples who
are out and about during the
day need to take many
precautions in order to insure
they dont have a seizure.
Simple things such as flashing
lights can make them go into
an episode.

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By: Anthony Childers

Diagnosing epilepsy is very difficult.
There are many disorders that cause
changes in behavior and can be
confused with epilepsy. Since
epilepsy can cause seizures the
diagnosis of it is the first critical step.
To diagnose epilepsy, many doctors
ask the patient about their medical
history, while also taking a physical
exam. Along with this, a mental exam
and an electroencephalogram is
taken to record the brain activity.

Commonly unknown, more than 70%
of epilepsy patients cant take
medications to help their seizures.
But when patients do take
medications, they include: tegretol
and carbatrol, along with zarontin
and felbatol.
Electricity is life but
electricity is an invisible fist
punching up your spine,
knocking your brains right out
of your skull.

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What to do during a seizure:
Note the time
Clear the space
Cushion the head
Remove all neck jewelry
Check for medical alert jewelry
When the seizure subsides, roll
patient on their side.
Clear the saliva from the mouth
Reassure the person during the
following confusion.

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