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Midterm Enrichment: Parts of Speech

Definition: A noun is word that is a person, place, things, or idea.
Examples: policeman, Barack
List two other people. Make one a
general person (like policeman)
and make one a speciic person
(Barack Obama).
Examples: school, #he Mint
List two other places. Make one a
general place (like school) and
make one a speciic place (#he
Mint Museum).
Examples: shel, #ime Maga$ine
List two other things. Make one a
general thing (like shel) and
make one a speciic thing (#ime
Examples: democrac&, sadness
List two other ideas.
'se the ollowing sentence to answer the (uestions in the bo)es below:
Tragedy is difficult to handle.
*hat is the noun+ #ell me which categor& it alls under: person,
place, thing, or idea.
An& noun can logicall& be described b& ,the-
(e)cept, o course, nouns that ha.e ,the-
alread& at their beginning, like #he /unger
0ames). 1ill in the blank below and see i
what &ou chose makes sense. % not, pick a
new word that might be the noun.
#he 222222222222222222222
Definition: A pronoun stands in or another noun or pronoun.
3'se te)ts ! and " to ill out the (uestions in the bo)es below.
Text 1: 4ohn went home, and 4ohn ate a slice o pi$$a. #hen 4ohn5s mother made 4ohn do 4ohn5s homework. Aterwards, 4ohn made 4ohn a bowl
o ice cream.
Text 2: 4ohn went home, and he ate a slice o pi$$a. #hen his mother made him do his homework. Aterwards, 4ohn made himsel a bowl o ice
!. %nstead o sa&ing, ,4ohn ate a
pi$$a,- te)t two sa&s, ,22222
ate a pi$$a.-
". 2222 is a pronoun because it
replaces 4ohn, which is a
!. %nstead o sa&ing, ,#hen 4ohn5s
mother,- te)t two sa&s,
,#hen 2222222222 mother-
". 2222222 is a pronoun that
replaces the word
!. %nstead o sa&ing ,made 4ohn
do,- sentence two sa&s, ,made
222222222222222222 do.-
". 2222222 is a pronoun that
replaces the word
!. %nstead o sa&ing, ,4ohn made
4ohn,- sentence two sa&s, ,4ohn
made 2222222222222222.-
". 22222222222 is a pronoun that
replaces the word
3Pronouns ha.e our main orms: sub6ect, ob6ect, possessi.e, and rele)i.e.
7ub6ect: #he sub6ect orm o a pronoun can do the action o a .erb, such as, ,He ate a pi$$a.
Ob6ect: #he ob6ect orm o a pronoun is something done to it, such as, ,#he monster ate him.-
Possessi.e: #he possessi.e orm shows ownership, such as, ,#hat is my book.
8ele)i.e: #he rele)i.e orm is used to reer back to a sub6ect o a sentence or clause, such as, ,7he taught herself guitar.- 9ote:
rele)i.e pronouns alwa&s end in ,3sel- or , #he& are the onl& words in the :nglish language that do this, so if you see
self or selves at the end of a word, it is definitely a pronoun.
3'sing the inormation on the pre.ious page, correctl& complete the chart below. One section has been illed in or &ou as an e)ample.
Pronoun Subject Form of the
Object Form of the
Possessive form of the
efle!ive Form of the
% " want to pass m&
A grade was gi.en to me# #hat is my midterm. % will pass this midterm all
b& myself.
;ou <o 2222222222222222
want to pass the midterm+
/as a grade been gi.en to
%s that
*ill &ou be able to pass
this midterm all b&
/e <oes 2222222222222222
want to pass the midterm+
/as a grade been gi.en to
%s that
*ill he be able to pass this
midterm all b&
7he <oes 2222222222222222
want to pass the midterm+
/as a grade been gi.en to
%s that
*ill she be able to pass
this midterm all b&
%t *ill 2222 be diicult+ #he bo& ma& ha.e a hard
time answering 2222222.
%s that 222222222 answer
*ill the dog be able to
walk all b&
*e <o 2222222222222222
want to pass the midterm+
/as a grade been gi.en to
%s that
*ill we be able to pass this
midterm all b&
#he& <o 2222222222222222
want to pass the midterm+
/as a grade been gi.en to
%s that
*ill we be able to pass this
midterm all b&
2222222222222222222+ word written in the blanks abo.e is a 222222222222222222222222222222222. time % see them rom now on, % will know that all
o these words are2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222.
Note: There are far more pronouns than the ones listed abovesuch as everyone! someone! every"here! to name a fe". #o"ever your
midterm "ill focus on you $no"ing the basic pronouns you plugged into the sentences in the boxes above.
Definition: A word that shows an action or state o being
Action .erbs: words that show what someone or something is doing
%# The boys ran to the store.
&# The girls trampled the grass.
/elping .erbs: words that can help other .erbs show their action. /elping .erbs create .erb phrases.
%# & can dance to this song. 'The verb dance! is #E()E* by the helping verb can.! This creates the +) can dance.!,
&# -ou may have another piece of ca$e.'The verb have! is #E()E* by the helping verb may.! This creates the +) may have.!,
%The follo"ing is a list of helping verbs. (earn it. '.se the rhymes put a beat to it. That might help,
=an, could, will, would, shall, should, do, does, did, ma&, must, might
7tate3o3being .erbs: All .ersions o ,to be- are alwa&s .erbs. 7ee all .ersions o it below.
be, being, been, is, are, was, were
'se the inormation on the pre.ious page to answer the (uestions about the ollowing sentence in the bo)es below.
The boys built an ama/ing robot and can compete in the science fair this year0 "e are very proud.
#here is one action .erb in the sentence
abo.e. *hat is it+
#here is one helping .erb in the sentence
abo.e. *hat is it+
*hat action .erb is it helping+
*hat is the .erb phrase that is created+
#here is one state3o3being .erb in the
sentence abo.e. *hat is it+
Definition: A word that describes or shows the number o a noun or pronoun.
%# #he elderly man got on the bus. (#he ad6ecti.e ,elderl&- describes the noun ,man.-)
&# %t wasn5t long beore the beautiful girl ound a ne( bo&riend. (#he ad6ecti.e ,beautiul- describes the noun ,girl.- #he ad6ecti.e
,new- describes the noun ,bo&riend.-)
%)ractice: .se the definition and examples above to place the correct "ords in the boxes belo" the follo"ing sentence:
#he e)pensi.e watch was bought in an elegant store that is across the street rom a small baker&.
1Note: The! a! and an! are al"ays ad2ectives. )lease don't include them in your ans"ers belo" though.
'djective Noun it describes
'dverbs )some content from http:??*
Definition: Ad.erbs are words that modi&...
a .erb(/e dro.e slowl&. @ /ow did he dri.e+)
an ad6ecti.e (/e dro.e a .er& ast car. @ /ow ast was his car+)
another ad.erb (7he mo.ed (uite slowl& down the aisle. @ /ow slowl& did she mo.e+)
3)ractice: .se the follo"ing sentences to ans"er the 3uestions in the boxes belo".
%n his no.el, The 4ound and the 5ury, *illiam 1aulkner, writes .er& con.incingl& in the .oice o someone who is mentall& handicapped.
!. #here is one ad.erb in this sentence that is
being used to describe a .erb. *hat is it+
". *hat .erb is it describing+
!. #here is one ad.erb in this sentence that is
being used to describe an ad6ecti.e. *hat is
". *hat ad6ecti.e is it describing+
!. #here is one ad.erb in this sentence that is
being used to describe another ad.erb. *hat
is it+
". *hat ad.erb is it describing+
Definition: A word that shows a relationship between one word or phrase in a sentence and another word or phrase.
6ohn is inside his house. '7hat8s the relationship bet"een 6ohn and his house9 #e8s &N4&*E it.,
:y life "as great during my teenage years. '7hen "as the person8s life great9 *.;&N< his=her teenage years., your notes: -ou 'or a group member, should have the list of common prepositions "e too$ do"n during class. .se that list and the
information on the previous page to fill in the boxes under the sentence belo".
#he e)pensi.e watch was bought in an elegant store that is across the street rom a small baker&.
Preposition Object of the Preposition )you should +no( this from class*
Definition: An e)clamation in a sentence that is used to displa& strong emotion on the part o the speaker.
Ah! & can8t believe "e made it.
This is great> &!
%)ractice: 7rite t"o sentences that use inter2ections.
Sentence ,hat-s the interjection.
Definition: A word that is meant to combine or show a relationship between two clauses in a sentence.
31or the midterm, &ou onl& need to know the se.en coordinating con6unctions:
or, and, nor, but, or, &et, so
%t5s eas& to recall these with the acron&m 1A9BO;7
Please alert me (hen everyone in your 0roup has completed the (or+ above and feels comfortable (ith the concepts it has as+ed you to
e!plore# " (ill then 0ive you the 1ui2 to assess ho( (ell you have learned the concepts above#

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