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Kristine D.

Current Address Permanent Address
Baker Hall, Box #31 31! "outh Hi#h "treet
$uncie, %ndiana &'3!( Arcanum, )hio &*3!&
+3', *(&-3& +3', *(&-3&
Bachelor o2 Arts, .x3ected $ay 4!1(
Ball "tate /ni5ersity, $uncie, %ndiana
$a6or7 0elecommunications, Production, and Creati5e 8ritin#
$inor7 "creen3lay 8ritin#
9PA7 4.(*:&.!
8);K .<P.;%.1C.
Ball "tate Dinin#, Au#ust 4!13-A3ril 4!1&
Ball "tate /ni5ersity Atrium and =a>ollette
"er5e 2ood to 3atrons
Clean ser5ice area
Assits 3atrons durin# their meals
Boonsho2t $useum o2 Disco5ery Cam3, ?une 4!1&-Au#ust 4!1&
Boonsho2t $useum o2 Disco5ery
"u3er5ised children
8rote 2or their local ne@s3a3er
Assisted @orksho3s
&-H, memBer ?anuary 4!1!-"e3temBer 4!1&
&-H Cam3, counselor ?une 4!11-?une 4!13
"omethin# .lse "ketch Comedy, ?anuary 4!1&-3resent

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