Step I Self Reflection Administrators

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Self Reflection Tool on the Seven Wisconsin

Administrator Standards
Instructions: This self reflection tool is designed to provide a personal profile of school
leadership assets based on the Wisconsin Administrator Standards for School Leaders.
The inventory consists of 106 statements that describe administrative performances
related to the Standards for School Leaders. The profile could be used to identify goals
and which standards are addressed in a rofessional !evelopment lan.
"ollowing the series of statements for each standard there is a total. When you have
completed the entire self reflection# go bac$ and add your totals for each of the seven
standards. %ach standard includes the number of statements in that section. Add the
total in each section. &omplete this activity for each standard. 'eview all seven
sections and you should begin to get a picture of higher and lower scores. The higher
scores indicate areas of perceived strength and the lower scores indicate areas of
perceived need. After completing the self(reflection tool# spend some time thin$ing
about how your answers could inform your professional growth plan.
&ircle only one number per )uestion. *se the space provided as +notes, to describe
your personal reflections. 'espond to every statement. Add scores for each standard
and total at the end of the survey. *se the information from your self reflection to inform
the creation of a rofessional !evelopment lan.
Standard 1
The administrator has an understanding of and demonstrates competence in the
teacher standards under s. - ./.00.
-n my wor$ as an administrator# - actively support teachers in a variety of ways to1
2ever Sometimes 3ften &onsistently
%ngage students in generating $nowledge and
testing hypotheses according to the methods of
in)uiry and standards of evidence used in the
1 0 . /
Assess individual and group performance in order
to design instruction that meets learners4 current
needs in each domain 5cognitive# social# emotional#
moral# and physical6 and that leads to the ne7t level
of student development.
1 0 . /
&reate a learning community in which individual
differences are respected.
1 0 . /
*se multiple teaching and learning strategies to
engage students in active learning opportunities
that promote the development of critical thin$ing#
problem solving# and performance capabilities and
that help students assume responsibility for
identifying and using learning resources.
1 0 . /
&reate a smoothly functioning learning community
in which students assume responsibility for
themselves and one another# participate in decision
ma$ing# wor$ collaboratively and independently#
and engage in purposeful learning activities.
1 0 . /
As$ )uestions and stimulate discussion in different
ways for particular purposes# for e7ample8 probing
for learning understanding# helping students
articulate their ideas and thin$ing processes#
promoting problem(solving# facilitating factual
recall# encouraging convergent and divergent
thin$ing# stimulating curiosity# helping students to
1 0 . /
Select and create learning e7periences that are
appropriate for curriculum goals# relevant to
learners# and based upon principles of effective
instruction 5e.g. that activate students4 prior
$nowledge# anticipate preconceptions# encourage
e7ploration and problem(solving# and build new
s$ills on those previously ac)uired6.
1 0 . /
Appropriately use a variety of formal and informal
assessment techni)ues 5e.g. observation# portfolio
of student wor$# teacher(made tests# performance
tas$s# pro9ects# student self(assessment# and
standardi:ed tests6 to enhance her or his
$nowledge of learners# evaluate students4 progress
and performances# and modify teaching and
learning strategies.
1 0 . /
Articulate and defend a philosophy of education
that guides his;her practice and contributes to the
stated philosophy of the school building;district.
1 0 . /
%stablish respective and productive relations with
parents and guardians from diverse home and
community situations# and see$ to develop
cooperative partnerships in support of student
learning and wellbeing.
1 0 . /
Score for Standard 1 <<<<<<<<<<< out of /0
Standard 2
A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all
students by facilitating the development# articulation# implementation# and stewardship
of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community.
As an administrator to "hat e#tent do $ou CURRENTLY FACILITATE PROCESSES
AND ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES ensuring the following %erformance indicators=
2ever Sometimes 3ften &onsistently
The vision and mission of the school are effectively
communicated to staff# parents# students# and
community members
1 0 . /
The vision and mission are communicated through
the use of symbols# ceremonies# stories# and
similar activities
1 0 . /
The core beliefs of the school vision are modeled
for all sta$eholders
1 0 . /
The vision is developed with and among
1 0 . /
The contributions of school community members to
the reali:ation of the vision are recogni:ed and
1 0 . /
rogress toward the vision and mission is
communicated to all sta$eholders
1 0 . /
The school community is involved in school
improvement efforts
1 0 . /
The vision shapes the educational programs# plans#
and actions
1 0 . /
An implementation plan is developed in which
ob9ectives and strategies to achieve the vision and
goals are clearly articulated
1 0 . /
Assessment data related to student learning are
used to develop the school vision and goals
1 0 . /
'elevant demographic data pertaining to students
and their families are used in developing the school
mission and goals
1 0 . /
>arriers to achieving the vision are identified#
clarified# and addressed
1 0 . /
2eeded resources are sought and obtained to
support the implementation of the school mission
and goals
1 0 . /
%7isting resources are used in support of the
school vision and goals
1 0 . /
The vision# mission# and implementation plans are
regularly monitored# evaluated# and revised 1 0 . /
Score for Standard 0 <<<<<<<< out of 60
Standard &
A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all
students '$ advocatin() nurturin() and sustainin( a school culture and
instructional pro(ram conducive to student learnin( and staff professional
As an administrator to "hat e#tent do $ou CURRENTLY FACILITATE PROCESSES
AND ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES ensuring the following %erformance indicators=
2ever Sometimes 3ften &onsistently
All individuals are treated with fairness# dignity# and
1 0 . /
rofessional development promotes a focus on
student learning consistent with the school vision
and goals
1 0 . /
Students and staff feel valued and important
1 0 . /
The responsibilities and contributions of each
individual are ac$nowledged
1 0 . /
>arriers to student learning are identified# clarified#
and addressed
1 0 . /
!iversity is considered in developing learning
1 0 . /
Life(long learning is encouraged and modeled
1 0 . /
There is a culture of high e7pectations for self#
student# and staff performance
1 0 . /
Technologies are used in teaching and learning
1 0 . /
Student and staff accomplishments are recogni:ed
and celebrated
1 0 . /
?ultiple opportunities to learn are available to all
1 0 . /
The school is organi:ed and aligned for success
1 0 . /
&urricular# co(curricular# and e7tracurricular
programs are designed# implemented# evaluated#
and refined
1 0 . /
&urriculum decisions are based on research#
e7pertise of teachers# and the recommendations of
learned societies
1 0 . /
The school culture and climate are assessed on a
regular basis
1 0 . /
A variety of sources of information is used to ma$e
1 0 . /
Student learning is assessed using a variety of
1 0 . /
?ultiple sources of information regarding
performance are used by staff and students
1 0 . /
A variety of supervisory and evaluation models is
1 0 . /
upil personnel programs are developed to meet
the needs of students and their families
1 0 . /
Score for Standard . <<<<<<<< out of @0.
Standard *
A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all
students by ensurin( mana(ement of the or(ani+ation) operations) and resources
for a safe) efficient) and effective learnin( environment
As an administrator to "hat e#tent do $ou CURRRENTLY FACILITATE
PROCESSES AND ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES ensuring the following %erformance
2ever Sometimes 3ften &onsistently
Anowledge of learning# teaching# and student
development is used to inform management
1 0 . /
3perational procedures are designed and
managed to ma7imi:e opportunities for successful
1 0 . /
%merging trends are recogni:ed# studied# and
applied as appropriate
1 0 . /
3perational plans and procedures to achieve the
vision and goals of the school are in place
1 0 . /
&ollective bargaining and other contractual
agreements related to the school are effectively
1 0 . /
The school plant# e)uipment# and support systems
operate safely# efficiently# and effectively
1 0 . /
Time is managed to ma7imi:e attainment of
organi:ational goals
1 0 . /
otential problems and opportunities are identified
1 0 . /
roblems are confronted and resolved in a timely
1 0 . /
"inancial# human# and material resources are
aligned to the goals of the school
1 0 . /
The school acts entrepeneurally to support
1 0 . /
3rgani:ational systems are regularly monitored
and modified as needed
1 0 . /
Sta$eholders are involved in decisions affecting the
1 0 . /
'esponsibility is shared to ma7imi:e ownership
and accountability
1 0 . /
%ffective problem(framing and problem(solving
s$ills are used
1 0 . /
%ffective conflict resolution s$ills re used
1 0 . /
%ffective group(process and consensus(building
s$ills are used
1 0 . /
%ffective communication s$ills are used
1 0 . /
There is effective use of technology to manage
school operations
1 0 . /
"iscal resources of the school are managed
responsibly# efficiently# and effectively
1 0 . /
A safe# clean# and aesthetically pleasing school
environment is created and maintained
1 0 . /
Buman resource of functions support the
attainment of school goals
1 0 . /
&onfidentiality and privacy of school records are
1 0 . /
Score for Standard / <<<<<<< out of C0
Standard 5
A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all
students by colla'oratin( "ith families and communit$ mem'ers) respondin( to
diverse communit$ interests and needs) and mo'ili+in( communit$ resources
As an administrator to "hat e#tent do $ou CURRENTLY FACILITATE PROCESSES
AND ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES ensuring the following %erformance indicators=
2ever Sometimes 3ften &onsistently
Bigh visibility# active involvement# and
communication with the larger community is a
1 0 . /
'elationships with community leaders are identified
and nurtured
1 0 . /
-nformation about family and community concerns#
e7pectations# and needs is used regularly
1 0 . /
There is outreach to different business# religious#
political# and service agencies and organi:ations
1 0 . /
&redence is given to individuals and groups whose
values and opinions may conflict
1 0 . /
The school and community serve one another as
1 0 . /
Available community resources are secured to help
the school solve problems and achieve goals
1 0 . /
artnerships are established with area businesses#
institutions of higher education# and community
groups to strengthen programs and support school
1 0 . /
&ommunity youth family services are integrated
with school programs
1 0 . /
&ommunity sta$eholders are treated e)uitably
1 0 . /
!iversity is recogni:ed and valued
1 0 . /
%ffective media relations are developed and
1 0 . /
A comprehensive program of community relations
is established
1 0 . /
ublic resources and funds are used appropriately
and wisely
1 0 . /
&ommunity collaboration is modeled for staff
1 0 . /
3pportunities for staff to develop collaborative s$ills
are provided
1 0 . /
Score for Standard D <<<<<<<< out of 6/
Standard ,
A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all
students by actin( "ith inte(rit$) fairness) and in an ethical manner.
As an administrator to "hat e#tent do $ou CURRENTLY FACILITATE PROCESSES
AND ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES ensuring the following %erformance indicators=
2ever Sometimes 3ften &onsistently
%7amine personal and professional values
1 0 . /
!emonstrate a personal and professional code of
1 0 . /
!emonstrate values# beliefs# and attitudes that
inspire others to higher levels of performance
1 0 . /
Serve as a role model
1 0 . /
Accept responsibility for school operation
1 0 . /
&onsider the impact of oneEs administrative
practices on others
1 0 . /
*se the influence of the office to enhance the
educational program rather than for personal gain
1 0 . /
Treat people fairly# e)uitably# and with dignity and
1 0 . /
rotect the rights and confidentiality of students
and staff
1 0 . /
!emonstrate appreciation for an sensitivity to the
diversity in the school community
1 0 . /
'ecogni:e and respects the legitimate authority of
1 0 . /
%7amine and considers the prevailing values of the
diverse school community
1 0 . /
%7pect that others in the school community will
demonstrate integrity and e7ercise ethical behavior
1 0 . /
3pen the school to public scrutiny
1 0 . /
"ulfill legal and contractual obligations
1 0 . /
Apply laws and procedures fairly# wisely# and
1 0 . /
Score for Standard 6 <<<<<<<< out of 6/.
Standard -
A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all
students by understandin() respondin( to) and influencin( the lar(er political)
social) economic) le(al) and cultural conte#t
As an administrator to "hat e#tent do $ou CURRENTLY FACILITATE PROCESSES
AND ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES ensuring the following %erformance indicators=
2ever Sometimes 3ften &onsistently
The environment in which schools operate is
influenced on behalf of students and their families
1 0 . /
&ommunication occurs within the school
community on trends# issues# and potential
changes in the environment in which schools
1 0 . /
There is ongoing dialogue with representatives of
diverse community groups
1 0 . /
The school community wor$s within the framewor$
of policies# laws# and regulations enacted by local#
state# and federal authorities
1 0 . /
ublic policy is shaped to provide )uality education
for students
1 0 . /
Lines of communication are developed with
decision ma$ers outside the school community
1 0 . /
Score for Standard F <<<<<<<< out of 0/
Self 'eflection Score1
Standard 11
The administrator has an understanding of and demonstrates competence in the 10
teacher standards.
Standard 01
The administrator leads by facilitating the development# articulation# implementation#
and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared by the school community.
Standard .1
The administrator manages by advocating# nurturing and sustaining a school culture
and instructional program conducive to pupil learning and staff professional growth.
Standard /1
The administrator ensures management of the organi:ation# operations# finances# and
resources for a safe# efficient# and effective learning environment.
Standard D1
The administrator models collaborating with families and community members#
responding to diverse community interests and needs# and mobili:ing community
Standard 61
The administrator acts with integrity# fairness# and in an ethical manner.
Standard F1
The administrator understands# responds to# and interacts with the larger political#
social# economic# legal# and cultural contest that affects schooling.

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