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A Carolina Residential Community

Ehaus Community Immersion Model 2014-2015

To create an inclusive, on-campus housing environment that promotes personal development, citizenship,
involvement, and leadership.

The leadership and staff in the Ehringhaus Community strive to promote an environment that empowers each
resident to:
Engage in the Ehringhaus and university community.
Build connections with other students in the Ehringhaus Community.
Enhance the academic environment of the community.
Participate in programs that promote personal development and growth.
Support and enhance an inclusive living environment.
Support sustainable efforts.
Extend community traditions.

Goal: Students will achieve self-awareness, satisfaction, and success through involvement, personal development,
leadership, and citizenship opportunities within the Ehringhaus Community.

Outcomes: As a result of living in the Ehringhaus Community, students will:
HONOR: Identify personal values and ethical standards
PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY: Demonstrate a responsibility to their residential community
DYNAMIC LEARNING: Interact with faculty, staff, and peers outside of the classroom
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: Engage in leadership and personal development opportunities


Leadership Team (LT):
Nicole Ponticorvo, Community Director
Matt Morrow: Resident Advisor Mentor
Andrew Hunt: Community Manager
Kara Segerstrom: Student Coordinator (Service & Leadership Living Learning Community)

Resident Advisors (RA): Matthew Morrow, Warren Feng, Nathaniel Drum, Hannah Collier, Luis Gonzalez-Chavez,
Emma Kelly, Zoe Blair, Patrick Morrison, Beatrice Williams, Julianna Ruggiero, Jalyn McNeal,
Ariana Chenlo Padilla, Janki Patel, Hailey Wade, Tyler Billman, Justin Duck, Canitria Cook, Elisabeth

Office Assistants (OA): Erika Wright, Emily Chalk, Haley Hamilton, Jean-Luc Rivera, Kyle Harmon

Community Governor: TBD



Relationship Building: Focuses on nurturing individual relationships between residents and their RA.
1:1 conversations
Referrals to campus resources
Encouraging student involvement opportunities
Attend a residents extra-curricular activity
Learning residents names
Ask about residents goals and aspirations
Follow-up with residents about problems and challenges

Community Building: Focuses on increasing student to student interactions through various active and passive methods.
Escorting residents to a campus event

Attending a sporting event
Community Dinners
Intramural teams
Facebook and/or floor social networking site
Sending regular emails/newsletters to residents
Attend traditional Carolina events
Interactive bulletin boards and door decs

Self-Awareness: Focuses on educating students in broad topic areas to increase their knowledge and personal awareness
to develop a healthy identity. These topics may be delivered in active and passive formats.
Diversity/Multiculturalism/Social Justice
Health and Wellness
Academic Success


I: Triad/Floor Active Educational Programs: (Community Building, Self-Awareness)
Active programming is designed to promote interactive, tangible learning experiences through small or large-scale
events. An educational program with a main focus of educating residents and exposing them to various issues
relevant to life at UNC and beyond. All educational programs must incorporate an outside resource, whether that
be bringing a campus partner into the halls or giving out pamphlets, brochures, materials, etc. from a campus
partner or reputable outside resource (discuss these with RAM/CD)

Each RA will hold one active educational program per month collaboratively with Triad

Example Active Educational Programs
o Gather information/brochures from Student Wellness and CAPS for a program about managing stress
o Plan a Jeopardy program using resources from the UNC Advising Office and the Learning Center
o Organize a Safe Zone, Haven, One Act, Embody, or ReThink Training (think about partnering with CoGo or the
LLC for these types of programs)
o Bring a dietician from Carolina Dining to discuss body image or healthy eating in our dining halls
o Hold a program about alcohol and drugs (use for pre-made presentations, activities, etc)

II: Community Immersion Initiatives (CII): (Relationship Building, Community Building)
This is an opportunity to create more impromptu, informal interactions with your residents that is aimed to build
relationships and foster community immersion. This could resemble a program, but can also involve more informal
door-to-door initiatives. Be sure to implement a variety of active and passive CIIs throughout the semester.

Each RA will have at least One CII per month. Each semester, one CII must be passive.

Example CIIs:
Bake cupcakes and hand them out door to door (passive)
Invite your residents to join you for dining hall or on Franklin street (active)
Take to bus to Carrboro to go grocery shopping with residents (active)
Invite residents to attend a sporting event with you (active)
Invite residents to a study night (active)
Leave encouraging notes on residents doors (passive)
Initiate a small acts of kindness campaign with your residents (passive)
Host a competitive ping pong tournament (active)
Create a forum where residents in same classes can connect in study groups (passive)

III: Community Wide Programs: (Community Building, Self-Awareness)
In groups of approximately 2-4, you will plan a program specifically for the Ehringhaus Community focused on
Self-Awareness or Community Building. These function just like other Self-Awareness or Community Building
programs, but are aimed at the entire Ehaus community.

Each RA will plan and implement 1 Community Wide Program per semester.
Other RAs will be scheduled to attend, assist, and participate as needed.

Fall 2014 Community Wide Program Schedule

August September October November
Community Kick Off Night
(Wed, August 20, 8-9pm)
Coffee with a Cop
(Mon., September 8, 8-9pm)

Roommate Trivia with THB
First Year Friday
(Fri, October 10, 9-11pm)
Coffee and Conversations
with Study Abroad
(Tues, Nov. 11, 5-7pm)
Coffee and Conversations
with the Learning Center
(Tues, September 23, 5-7pm)
Halloween Program
(Fri, October 31, time TBD)


IV: Campus Programs/Initiatives for ALL First Years (Community Building, Self-Awareness):
Campus Programs/Initiatives are OPEN TO ALL First Year Students living in Ehringhaus, Craige, Hinton James,
Manning East, Manning West, Granville, and some locations on North Campus. These programs will occur in
various locations throughout campus, primarily within the First Year Experience Communities. When attending
these programs both In Haus and Take To, RAs will take pictures/selfies (aka #selFYE) and post to Ehaus social
media sites.

In-Haus: These are First Year Programs that happen in Ehaus. When there is a First Year Wide Program in Ehaus, RAs
will assist in publicizing, implementing, and attending. Some programs will require all staff to be involved, while others will
only require a few. Specific expectations regarding RA involvement will be provided in the future. In Haus programs
will be treated as Community Wide Programs in terms with a committee of Ehaus RAs.

Take To: These are First Year Programs that happen outside of Ehaus. Ehaus RAs will sign up to take residents to these
off-site programs throughout the semester. RAs who take to are expected to engage with residents at the program long
enough to participate in the activities. Each RA will sign up for approximately 2-4 Take To events in the fall

First Year Campus Programs

FDOC RHA Rave (Take To): August 19, 8pm, SASB (Upendo)

Granville Foam Party (Take To): August 20, 9-11pm, Granville

First Year Fridays: First Year Fridays will occur every Friday. The purpose of the programs will be to
provide social alternatives for first year students to be positively involved in the Carolina community. All
RAs will plan, publicize, and implement Roommate Trivia on October 10 (9-11pm) in partnership
with Tar Heel Beginnings. RAs will sign up to take residents to First Year Fridays in other

o Other First Year Fridays include (Take To)
September 5
: Late Night Zumba, SASB Plaza sponsored by Campus Recreation
September 12
: Tournament of Champions, Hinton James
September 19
: All we do is Craige, Craige
September 26
: Fallapalooza, Connor Community
October 3
: Late Night with Roy (this was updated)
October 31
: In Community Halloween Programs all communities
November 7
: Game Night Sponsored by RHA (contact is Taylor Bates)
November 14
: Carolina Jeopardy Sponsored by the Honor System
November 21
: Step, Stroll, & Dance Granville Towers
Manning Block Party (DATE TBA)

Intramurals: All RAs will assist in advertising the First Year Intramural League and encouraging
residents to join. RAs are strongly encouraged to participate.

De-Stress with the Deans (Take To): This initiative is a way for members of the Office of the Dean
of Students to help students understand their role as advocates for them. This event is an informal
event where students can come and do a stress relief craft.
August 26, 2014 @ 4-6pm: Koury
December 4, 2014 @ 1-3pm: Granville Towers


Coffee with a Cop (In Haus) The program will involve a DPS officer being in the lobby with coffee
and cookies from 8-9pm talking to students as they come through, topics not particular to the role of
DPS. The event is more of a study break and meant to help students see officers as resources.
Ehringhaus: September 8, 2014 (In Haus/Community Wide)

Coffee and Conversations (In Haus & Take To): This is a series of programs spread throughout the
communities where campus partners come into the lobbies and have informal interactions with students
around the topics their office specializes in.
Learning Center:
September 23, 2014 @ 5-7pm, Ehringhaus (In Haus/Community Wide)
October 28, 2014 @ 5-7pm, Connor (Take To)
Undergraduate Research: October 6, 2014 @ 5-7pm, Craige (Take To)
Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling: November 4, 2014 @ 5-7pm, Manning
West/Craige North (Take To)
Study Abroad: November 11, 2014 @ 5-7pm, Ehringhaus (In Haus/Community Wide)

THB/FYE/MWH Event (Take To): This event serves as an appreciation/kickoff of Meals with
Heels for the year. Meals with Heels is a program DHRE offers that students can take a professor out
to a Carolina Dining Services location for a meal. For the first six weeks this program will be heavily
advertised to first year students and is run by the Assistant Director for Learning and Leadership.
September 19, 2014 @ 3pm: Koury Patio

Safetober Fest (Take To- ALL PLAY) SafetoberFest is a partnership with over 20 campus and
community organizations to help promote safety and help students learn resources available to them.
Fall 2014 will be our 5th annual event where students trick-or-treat their way around the various stations
and upon collection of all the candy may receive a SafetoberFest t-shirt.
October 23, 2014, 2-5pm, SASB Plaza

Advising in the Halls (Take To): This partnership allows first year students to meet with Academic
Advisors in their halls through a group advising session to have their flags lifted allowing them to
register for classes fall of their second year. Academic Advisors facilitate the group advising workshop
(these occur all across campus) and then students are split up by functional area for more, small group
November 6, 2014 @ 5-6pm: Hinton James (Take To)
November 10, 2014 @ 5-6pm: Granville Towers (Take To)

Food Truck Rodeo (Take To): The food truck rodeo is an initiative to help with reopening Franklin
Street to vehicle traffic on the night of Halloween. This provides a fun alternative for students instead of
remaining on or near Franklin St. Carolina Dining Services currently has contracts with many food trucks and
is working to get 5-6 in attendance. The event will occur on Stadium Drive from 11pm-2am.


First Year Campus Initiatives

First Floor Meeting: The purpose of the first floor meeting is:
To help residents build relationships
To help residents understand, through an interactive activity some of the most commonly
violated Community Living Standards
To help residents understand the resources available in the community
To help resident understand involvement opportunities available in the community and
during WOW
NOTE: RAs bring residents to Convocation and Fall Fest after the First Floor
Meeting). RAs will attend the Floor Meetings of their Triad Members.
Summer Reading Program: RAs will either facilitate discussion groups about The Round House or
collaborate to plan an active program that connects to themes in the book during the first 6 weeks.

Community Immersion Log: Due: October 7, 2014 & November 25, 2014
The purpose of this document will be for RAs to log their interactions and informal conversations with
residents and the topics covered, it is meant to be a short reflection for the RA. This document is to be
kept private with the RA and should not be something formal that they schedule time with each resident
to meet with. It will also provide room for RAs to make notes about what residents to follow up with.
The CDs will cover talking points with the RAs during their one on ones.

Roommate/Suitemate Agreements: A common online form will be provided across communities
and the CD will be able to train their staff on the implementation of the agreements. The agreement is
an opportunity to openly discuss the living environment and work through cross cultural
communication with regard to living expectations. These will be live online on August 25 and due
on September 9. RAs are expected to schedule and meet (in-person) with each roommate pair to
complete the roommate agreement.

Art Expression Contest: The purpose of this contest is to provide first year students an ongoing
opportunity to express their knowledge and awareness of Excellence in Action themes through art.

General Green Note about all programming: *Sustainability should be a common part of all programs (i.e. BYO
programs are strongly encouraged when food is involved. This is how we will gain Green Games points, too!


*****Refer to the First Six Weeks section for special instructions for CIIs, Community Wides, and
Triad programs during the 1
6 weeks. There are slightly different requirements for this special time
of year!


Additional Programming Expectations

Bulletin Board Guidelines
Every month, each RA will be responsible for a bulletin board. On a rotating schedule decided by the RAM,
2 RAs will create educational bulletin boards for the boards located on the balconies and the remaining RA on the
floor will be responsible for the flyer board in the lobby. If there are multiple flyer boards on a floor, the RA in
charge of flyers will still have to keep both up to date. Due dates/times for educational boards will be announced.
Some floors may have excess bulletin boards, and if this is the case, the floor RAs should speak with the RAM

Educational boards will:
Teach residents about a subject they may not be familiar with, or even aware of. This could be
anything from the origin of a holiday, to how to be greener in college. You can make a bulletin
board about almost anything if you put your mind to it.
Be backed with material such as butcher block. You can think outside the box in terms of what
you back your board with. Also, if your backing is in good shape (i.e. not faded, rip free, etc.) you
may leave it up for another month. However,
All boards must have a border.
A graphic element must be on each board. (a printed picture, a drawing, a cutout, etc.use your
Any computer paper or information needs to be backed with another material. This could be
construction paper or a less traditional material such as old gift bags.
If you want to use pre-made bulletin boards from websites such as Reslife, make sure to make them
your own. Think about retyping or rewording the slides (remember to cite the original), cutting
the information up differently, or any number of tweaks.
Most importantly, ensure that all bulletin boards are tidy and neatly done.

Flyer boards will:
Be monitored multiple times a week (since they are extremely significant in connecting residents to
the rest of the campus).
You should clear out flyers from your mailbox and post them appropriately every day.
Old flyers should be taken down when events are over.
Ensure that each flyer can be seen in its entirety without interference from other flyers. If you run
out of space on your flyer board, attempt to relocate homeless flyers to another common space or
board on your floor.

Program Budgeting
Each RA will have a semester programming budget of $120.00. This budget is meant to provide
flexibility in programming initiatives and will be tracked by Matt. You will be reminded of your remaining budget at
each one on one with Matt, but you may also request it from him at any time.

Each Community Wide Program will have a budget of approximately $275 (this may vary
depending on program, and the Leadership Team will let you know).


Program Proposal Forms
You will need to submit a program proposal form for all of your planned programs (excluding Community
Immersion Initiatives that do not require shopping items). These forms can be found on the Forms page
of the staff Google site. When specifying what shopping items you need, please look up the approximate
prices of each item using the Walmart Prices link that can also be found in the Forms page of the staff
Google Site. It is extremely important to accurately assess the price so Matt can effectively use your
budget. Before requesting shopping items, it is also imperative that you ensure that the items are not
already in the craft room. Inappropriate usage of your budget negatively impacts your residents.

All program proposals (for Triad/Educational Floor programs, Community Wide programs, CIIs
requiring shopping items) will need to be submitted by the 28
day of the month for any programs that are
to take place in the second half of the following month (see Example 1). Programs that you want to put on
in the first half of a given month will need to have proposals in by the 15
of the previous month (see
Example 2). This will allow for ample feedback and time for adjustments. These are not the only dates that
you can submit proposals; feel free to submit earlier if you would like.

Example 1. Joe RA wants to host a program on February 27
. Joe should submit a program proposal by January 28
Example 2. Joe RA wants to host a program on February 5
. Joe should submit a program proposal by January 15

Community Immersion Initiatives (CIIs) should be logged upon their completion in the CII Log. The
CII Log can also be found under the Forms page of the staff Google site. Even if the CII requires
shopping items and consequently an official program proposal a week before the event date, the CII must
still be logged in the CII Log. CIIs may not be recorded after one week of the completion of the event.

Program Proposal Approval
If you need to adjust a program proposal, please speak with Matt as soon as possible. Matt will let you know
whether your program has been approved within three days of the program proposal submission. Upon
approval of the program proposal, Matt will send you a copy of the proposal.


Program Publicity Submissions
If your program publicity (or pub) needs to be printed, it must be submitted to Matt via email prior to one
week of the program. For other pub, describe the pub to the best of your ability on the program proposal.
Program publicity must be posted for residents at least one week prior to the program.

Be creative when creating pub. Try to vary your main pub from month to month (for example, if you
print your pub one month, create pub out of construction paper the following month).
Create pub from giant butcher block paper and post in your floor lobby when appropriate.
Create a digital sign for all Community Wide programs. If the community wide program is open to
multiple communities, contact the FYE coordinator about posting digital signage in FYE communities.
Publicity has a huge impact on program attendance. Use it to your advantage!
Be sure to include a disclaimer that says: If any extra accommodations are needed in order for
you to participate in the program, please contact the community office to notify the staff about
those needs. For hand-crafted pub, this may not be necessary on account of space, but please write
the disclaimer when you can. The disclaimer shows that Ehringhaus wants to be accessible to all
residents, and this accessibility is essential to the communitys well-being.


Program Evaluation
Upon completion of all programs (excluding CIIs, which are logged in the CII Log), a program evaluation
form must be completed. This form can be found in the Forms page of the Google staff site. If RAs worked
collaboratively on a program, each RA must individually complete a program evaluation. In this case, Matt will
provide informal feedback about the collective opinions of the program.

Each RA must attend at least one (non-CII) program put on by another RA per month. You cannot
attend the same RAs program more than once per semester. RAs that attend other RAs programs must also submit
a program evaluation of the program they attend.


Community Government
Each RA will attend one Community Government Meeting and Program per semester. Sign up information
will be provided later.


Ideas and Examples
Programming Ideas:
Asking someone! (Residents, Fellow RAS, RAM, CD, Community Government, etc.)
Green Games Web Site - - -
Monthly Tie Ins (i.e. October=Domestic Violence Awareness Month; February=Black History Month)
The Internet
Campus Events
Campus Partner Web Sites (i.e. CWS, DPS, etc.)
Your own Interests and Creativity!

You should spend a significant amount of time on your bulletin boards. They may take more of your time
to plan and implement than an active program. Make them something youre proud to show and display for
a month and your residents will take pride in them too.
Tie in to campus partners and events! If theres a documentary screening you think your residents would
really enjoy, go as a group then take some time to discuss it together over coffee and treats. Easy and
Plan programs that you take interest in or would consider worth your time if you were a resident and your
residents will probably also deem them worthy.
Use the Resource Room as your shopping mall before submitting a list to your RAM. You will often
find many of the items you need have already been purchased. This is an easy way to save money while
using our resources effectively.

Above allenjoy programming! It is part of what makes Ehaus such a fun place to live

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