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Negative/Positive Space

Statement of Inquiry: Emphasizing positive OR negative space

can make a work of art more impactful.
Inquiry Questions:
Factual- In what types of art would negative space be important
!hat are some e"amples of positive space !hat are some
e"amples of negative space
Conceptual- #ow could you emphasize negative space #ow could
you emphasize positive space !hat are some of the reasons you
might want to emphasize positive OR negative space
Debatable- $re negative and positive e%ually important in a work
of art
Key Concept-aesthetics
Relate Concepts-visual culture and e"pression
!lobal Conte"t-&ersonal and 'ultural E"pression
!oal# (o create a balanced composition) focusing on interesting negative
and positive spaces.
$b%ective# (o gain an understanding of the effects of positive and
negative space.
*. !e will begin by practicing with several contour drawings. (his will
get you in a +right-brained, frame of mind- more creative) non-linear
thinking. !e will start out with blind contour and move on to modified
.. /e"t we will spend some time looking at multiple mini-compositions) as
practice for the final artwork. 0ou will create a grid that contains 1
s%uares 2.3 " .3 each4. !ithin each s%uare you will draw the same
ob5ect from different viewpoints and different scales. 0ou can use a
view-finder to frame the ob5ect within your mini-composition.
6. /e"t you will choose a sub5ect) either from the options presented in
class or something of your choice that you have brought from home.
7. 0ou will start with a /E8$(I9E :&$'E contour drawing of your
chosen chair.
;. /e"t you will need to decide whether you want your emphasis to be on
the negative or the positive space 2see e"amples in power-point
<. If you choose to emphasize your &O:I(I9E :&$'E) while you will
create pattern or te"ture within the /E8$(I9E :&$'E 2using
detailed drawing) colored or patterned paper) colored pencils or
pastels4. If you choose to emphasize your /E8$(I9E :&$'E) you will
add the detail to the &O:I(I9E :&$'E.
Composition- the arrangement of the elements and principles within a
defined space.
Contour- a line drawing that creates the illusion of mass and volume.
'lin contour- $n image is drawn with one line. =ind a starting point
on your paper $/> while keeping your eyes on the ob5ect 2/O( on your
paper4) you will continue to draw the entire ob5ect-slowly) following the
outside edges of each part of the ob5ect. 0ou may overlap some lines.
(oifie Contour- !ith modified contour) you will find a starting
point) put the pencil to paper and draw one line or one section. ?ook at the
paper and find a new starting point. (hen you will look back at the ob5ect
and continue to draw the ne"t line or section.
Negative an Positive Space- positive space is the sub5ect) while negative
space is the area around the sub5ect.
Pattern- created by repeating an image) line) shape) etc.
)e"ture- the way something feels or looks like it would feel.

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