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People Animals Things

A colony of ants
A colony of bats
A hive / swarm of bees
A clutch of chicks
A flight / flock of birds
A herd of buffaloes
A flutter of butterflies
An army of caterpillars / ants
A herd of cattle
A brood of chickens
A bed of clams
A nest of crocodiles / mice
A litter of cubs / puppies / kittens
A flock of ducks
A herd of elephants
A shoal / school of fish
A flock / gaggle of geese
A herd / tower of giraffes
A flock / herd of goats
A parliament of owls
A pride of lions
A dray of squirrels
A pod of whales
A pack of wolves
A sleuth of bears
A troop of monkeys

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